Monday 1 September 2014

Wing Walking and Yogurt

I went to Milton Keynes end of the week to spend a couple of days at the shop, it was lovely to catch up with everyone but I couldn't wait to get back home again, I was bringing back eldest grandson and girlfriend who were coming to spend a few days, they had a lovely time and the sun shone for them, they got familiar with the animals, went for walks, collected mushrooms, drove around the field in the tractor, went to the beach had a fish and chip supper on the harbour wall, built a bonfire and toasted marshmallows and they did all that in 48 hours who says young people don't have energy.
On our back we stopped at Membury services, I like Membury services not for the facilities but for entertainment value, you can park up along side the little airfield and watch the goings on while you have your cuppa, on my last trip I watched them flying with those parachutes that had an engine I don't know what they are called, an earlier trip I watch some me walking there ferrets, this time I had my camera to hand and we were entertained with Wing Walking I think that's what it is called

So if you are ever heading down the M4 pop into to Membury services westbound.
Today started off damp but the sun soon came out so it was beds stripped chores done I headed into town to fetch some shopping bought some plain natural yogurt to get some yogurt started, 
Here's how I did mine
warm up 1 pint of milk to 110f stir in a heaped spoon of milk powder
allow the temperature to drop to 100f

add 1 desert spoon of sugar and 2 desert spoons of natural yogurt 
give it a light whisk to make sure the natural yogurt is mixed through
then pour into a container that is submerged  in hot water I use my easi yo container 

The easi yo container is insulated so it will keep the heat in water that helps the yogurt to set.
You could pour your liquid yogurt into a wide mouth thermos flask and leave it for 7-8 hours to set.
I will update tomorrow how the yogurt has worked out.
I picked another big bowl of blueberries today 
these are a late season blueberry, my plan is to make some sauce to go with the yogurt so that will be on tomorrows list as well.
Tune into tomorrow for a continuation.


  1. I had a mess around last year making yoghurt like that with milk powered in the same container, turned out pretty good - has got some good information on making yoghurt in many different ways. I find the easi yo packets too expensive for me so I was looking at other ways to make it cheaper.
    Sounds like they had a good weekend!

    1. I do pop onto that blog she has some fab recipes

  2. I love those Easiyo yoghurt makers. I remember when they first came out - they were designed by a NZ'er and they are made to last. Mine is over 22 years old now. I remember when I first brought it over to the UK with me, you couldn't get the easiyo sachets (and I didn't know how to make my own at the time) and so I used to have to get my Mum and Dad to send them over for me. Fortunately they caught on pretty quickly here and now you can get them all over the place. Now of course there are plenty of recipes and instructions out there on how to make your own.

    1. I have had mine for a long time, I find the sachets of mix expensive now

  3. Homemade yoghurt and blueberries sounds delicious!! xx

    1. Blueberry is my favourite flavouring for yogurt next is raspberry


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