Friday 13 May 2016

Milk Glorious Milk

We are getting approx 2 pints a day from the two goats
We are only milking them in the morning,
14 pints a week is more than enough for our needs, 
We go through roughly 6-8 pints a week. 
Firstly I want to get some in the freezer for those times we wont be getting milk
I had a delivery come today of some 2 pint milk containers,
I have also started putting the milk through the separator
From this weeks milk I have got about quarter of a pint of cream, 
I am going to pop the cream in the freezer until I have enough to make some butter.
I now need to get into the routine of putting the milk through the separator daily,it saves having to re-heat the milk as I can put it through straight after milking.
I must try and do a video of the milking.
The milk is now semi skimmed  and will go into the freezer.
When I have a bit more time I want to have a go at making some cheese for Martin.
I got the Rhubarb jam done today
 All the sugar had turned to liquid,
 Here is my grannies recipe if you want to try it, click on the image and it should enlarge.
We wont go through 14 jars of Rhubarb jam so I am going to take some to put on my stall.
I didn't show you what I did with the dehydrated Rhubarb leathers
 Once the leathers had cooled on the trays, I rolled them up
 Snipped into chunks and tossed them in date sugar that I made some time ago, Rhubarb, Honey and Date Sugar is all that's in these tasty treats, I am sure the kids will love them.
I was asked what you can use the Rhubarb syrup for
Pour over ice-cream
Add to youghurt
Add to sparling water, still water or lemonade 
It can be used as a mixer in drinks.

More Wildlife
I was sitting outside having a cuppa this morning and the sparrows fledged
 This little fella landed near my feet
 Dad sparrow was sitting on top of the bell, chirping away to the little one on the ground, they nested just under the roof eaves,
 There was only one he hung about all day mum and dad keeping an eye on him.
Mrs Broody is still sitting, one of the chicks has hatched out,
got a glimpse of it when I took the corn out this afternoon,
I hope there will be another few, if  we get another broody then I will sit her on a clutch of eggs that will be our final hatching's then this year I think.
Yes it was Yacon in the photos the other day, I have a plan for it and going to play tomorrow I hope, so until then I am signing off :-) 




  1. Wonderful post, Dawn. Just having a quick peek at what people are up to whilst the kettle boils. Well done on the milk.

    1. We are happy with how the milk thing is going

  2. Make fudge with goats milk, best tasting fudge I have ever had.

  3. I find everything you do endlessly fascinating Dawn. I couldn't do it but I love reading about what you get up to.
    Thanks for visiting my blog yesterday-x-

    1. I never thought I could do it hard work but rewarding

  4. I have this heavenly vision of homemmade goat cheese smeared on a slice of crusty baguette topped with your rhubarb jam. I hope you do give the goat cheese a go-I'll be fascinated to learn about it.

    1. It may be a couple of weeks before I get round to trying cheese but will be giving it a go

  5. I love the sound of the rhubarb leathers. A dehydrater sound a really useful bit of kit, I'll get one if I every grow enough stuff to make it worth it. We used to eat the rhubarb raw as kids, dipped in lots of sugar, I'm surprised I still have teeth!

    1. I remember rhubarb dipped in sugar, the dehydrator is a great bit of kitchen kit wouldnt be without it

  6. If it wasn't for goat's milk I wouldn't be here. I was allergic to cow's milk as a baby and my father had to cycle a 16 mile round trip to collect goats milk for me to drink.

    1. Dani - it took me 45 yrs to realize that i am allergic to cow's milk. imagine someone who drank cow's milk and ate cow cheese all of my life - arghghgh!

      we went totally off dairy several months ago. but guess what? after having all of my teeth pulled out, i was dying for cheese. i researched and learned that goat's milk doesn't have the same level of casein as cow's milk...and it's the casein that we are allergic to. so i broke down on my "of dairy" period and tried some goat's cheese and feta....oh my Sweet Lord - it seems that i can digest goat's milk and cheese and not experience any problems!oh thank goodness i can still have milk and cheese! sending love to you always Dani!xoxox

    2. A lot more people re becoming intolerant to cows milk, i read some interesting info on it and they think its due to vaccines that are given to dairy herds

  7. I like the idea of goat cream and goat butter. You sound just as busy as your were when we went away.

    1. Always always busy but there is always time to relax to we appreciate downtimes more

  8. oh Dawn - why couldn't you live closer to me? i love your gorgeous goat's milk, cream, cheese....can't you mail me some? your rhubarb jam looks delish and all i can think of is fresh-made bread, still hot with the goat's cheese melting on it and on top of that - your rhubarb jam - oh sweet delight! your roll-ups look deelish - another snack i would love! and we are crazy about all of our different birds here - we keep the feeders filled and love to watch all of the birds and their different shinanigans!

    sending much love! your friend,

    1. Perhaps you will have to get a few goats for your place, I dont think it would survive being posted

  9. I don't like milk but butter and cheese made with goats milk are superb.I managed to miss yesterdays post, I am of to find it.

    1. I dont eat cheese but I am looking forward to the butter

  10. As usual you've been busy doing all sorts of things I can only dream about. You really are marvelous.

  11. +1,000 to Frugal i Essex!

  12. the taste of goats milk very different to that of cows...I know of people who milk several goats and have health benefits associated with the avoiding cows milk...but as to the taste I have to admit virginal qualities! x

    1. It tastes just the same, I thought there would be a taste difference as people have said they dont like goats milk, but ours tastes just like milk :-)

    2. Wow, that is a lot of milk, glad you can freeze it for future use!


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