Monday 2 May 2016

Holiday Weekend

I had my eldest sister and her husband staying for the week end,
I haven't seen them in almost 2 years.
We had a lovely time,
They came with me on Friday to walk Sol
and there reward was seeing this 
An Adder basking in the sun 
What a beautiful creature 
This one in the photo is a male, there is actually two snakes here
There was  brown female curled up in the leaves.
Saturday we took our visitors to New Quay and while eating fish and chips we watched the dolphins out in the bay.
A few jobs got done over the week end,
 My sister helped me get the guttering full of young peas planted out.
 I also got the young sprouts and broccoli
planted out. Spring onions have been planted and more seeds have been sown, I am trying to get in the habit of doing succession sowing, that way everything is not ready at once.
The frame is all up for the second poly tunnel, if the weather is good we might get it covered next week end.
Then it will be all systems go.
Our visitors went home today, we have a few weeks then more visitors arrive.
I mentioned last week something I had in the back of my car 
well here it is 
A Dovecot, a friend was selling it.
I thought it would make a lovely addition to the garden.
Next month we are celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary
there is isnt anything I really want, I have now asked for half a dozen white fantail doves.
I hope you have all had a lovely holiday week end.





  1. I love reading your blog Dawn x

  2. The doves are a lovely idea for a wedding anniversary.

  3. So that's an adder? Ya know the entire time I lived in Germany and camped/hiked around Europe fishing every weekend I could I only saw one snake ever and that was next to a small stream down around Clermont. I think it was mostly a light gray/brown though.

  4. We are researching suppliers of poly tunnels, Dawn, so I wondered if you could send me the link of your suppliers if you purchased it online. We need a strong one because of the winds which occasionally funnel along the escarpment beside us. Thanks.
    Glad you had a good weekend with your sister.

    1. We used First Tunnels and ordered online, they do tunnels that are designed for exposed areas, they do deliver to France as well

    2. Thanks Dawn. They are one of the web sites we looked at, so will now go and have another look.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. What a beautiful idea of having the doves. I've never seen a snake in the wild. I have broccoli and spring onion seeds in the greenhouse but really only just coming up. Hope they will be ok for this year. Glad you enjoyed the time with your sister and her family.x

  7. It sounds like you had a lovely time with your sister, the sun was shining for you too! I love your idea of doves for your wedding anniversary, the Dovecote looks beautiful x

  8. Glad you didn't find the adder with your foot first!! Great photos. I love the sound of the dove cote and doves.

  9. aahh Dawn that brought a lump to my throat half a dozen white doves along with your 25th wedding anniversary congratulations and I hope you get them. sounds like your well organised with your vegetables I have my broccoli to plant out today. dee

  10. So glad you had a lovely time with your sister! Your new dovecot is beautiful and a group of doves would make a wonderful 25th wedding anniversary gift!!!!


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