Friday 6 May 2016

A Day Of Excitment

Every day here is exciting, it feels like being on holiday every day, a working holiday though.
Sometimes things happen that make it really really exciting like Christmas morning when you are a kid kind of excitement.
 First thing this morning I planned to have a go at milking the goats, I have had a few practise runs, in order to get milk I needed to separate mums and kids overnight, this way there udders would be full, and they were.
Look what I got just under a litre, I didn't milk them dry as there kids were waiting for breakfast, I was so excited our first proper milking, I didn't have to hobble either of them, 
I hope over the next few days they will settle into this new routine, the kids have been moved out again this evening.
I can now start looking forward to lots of dairy fun.
Next bit of excitement was when I went to walk Sol,
we have a little cubby hole next to our letter box at the end of drive and the postie leaves small parcels there, it saves him coming all the way down the drive.
I noticed a parcel, I wasn't expecting anything so assumed it was for Martin, I left the parcel until I was on my way back home.
When I picked it up it was addressed to me and according to the packaging it contained live plants.
 I defiantly didn't have any on order, I popped the packed in the porch and went to do the feed rounds, I completely forgot about it until this evening,

 When I opened it this is what was inside, no note, no invoice nothing, the names didn't mean anything
 Upon opening them I recognised what they were
Its a longish story and starts January last year,
I placed a pre order with Sutton's for my seed potatoes, onion sets, garlic, asparagus and sweet potatoes, when the items were ready they sent them out, except the sweet potatoes they kept giving me a dispatch date, I had the ground ready they kept changing the date, eventually in I think it was June or perhaps July they admitted they didn't have any plants, I was annoyed with them as the growing season was well on the way, they refunded my money and as a gesture of good will they promised to send me some free of charge this year,
This is what is in the parcel, 18 sweet potato plants 3 different variety's, just as well I didn't order any this year, now just have to find a space for them.
So three cheers to Sutton's for keeping to there word. 


  1. I have two slips growing from my experimental sweet potato. Its fun trying something new! I'll be posting a photo later as they grown so much in a couple of weeks.

  2. Having milk coming into the kitchen is a big step forward, and I am looking forward to your dairy projects.

  3. I love the idea of having milking animals. Have you got a machine or by hand?
    Are the sweet potatoes going to be outside grown or under cover?

  4. Oh don't you love an unexpected parcel? I expect to see goats cheese and how knows what else being produced soon!

  5. I love unexpected parcels too, what a cracking find x


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