Sunday 31 January 2016

Service Interuption

Been without phones and internet since last Monday, 
Our phone lines were brought down by a lorry,
mobile hone has been sketchy as well as we need a booster that runs off the phone line
so effectivly I have not been able to comunicate with the outside world.
BT says its non urgent  so all of us beyond the break are wit out service.
Now sitting down the pub in the village using there internet while waiting for dinner.

A rough week all round, fox attack the other evening took all the ducks
The Alacas have mud fever I brought them in the other night making temporary accommodation in one of the barns, we let them out yesterday as it was dry then brought them in again in the evening 
that is what we are doing until there is an improvement in the ground, out during the day in at night to dry off.
Kara is back on a bottle.
The goats haven't kidded yet any day now. 
right off to have have a quick scan over everyones blogs.


  1. Bloody BT are a law unto themselves, I hope they sort you out quickly. I found that getting onto someone in the UK and pestering them relentlessly helps. I'm sorry to hear about the ducks, must have been horrible. What's mud fever?
    Here's hoping next week brings you a better time.

  2. Oh Dawn i do feel for you. Its been a rotten time with everything. Missed your blogs and wondered what was happening. Take care, I'm sure normal service with resume soon. Good luck with the birth of the kids.

  3. What a horrible week for you. Hope things get better quickly and you get your phone and internet back on soon.

  4. What a crummy week. Sorry to hear about your ducks, poor things. Hope Kara is doing better at least. Good luck next week, Sara.

  5. Hope that your internet and phone gets fixed soon. I guess that pregnant goats and sick alpacas don't count as a priority for BT! xx

  6. Oh dear, Dawn :( So sorry to hear re the ducks. We lost a flock of chickens in our previous house. He killed all but two, but only took the one. Fingers crossed the mud fever is sorted soon. I feel for you x

  7. Glad to see you are ok I was beginning to worry about you guys. Been so busy with my tractor I haven't had much time to do any blogging myself so your break corresponded nicely. Cause ya know it's all about me and all :)

  8. I think all national phone companies are a law unto themselves, it was the same in Spain and here in Ireland. I feel for you with the ducks, we lost eleven Copper marans Monday night to a mink, it came back the next night and killed the cockerel so that's my breading stock wiped out. The dam thing managed to get in by forcing open the bottom of the door.

  9. Awww Dawn. I remember being held hostage by BT many years ago.....never again!! I hope you get sorted x

  10. I rarely hear anything positive about BT actually, so would always avoid them now if I could (not always our choice I know!). So sorry to hear about the ducks, it must have been horrendous and now you have mud fever to deal with too :( it never rains, but it pours!! I've missed your posts - was kind of hoping maybe you had a last minute break away, but unfortunately not :( fingers crossed everything rights itself very soon.

  11. We had noticed your absence, we missed you! So sorry to hear about the ducks, Foxes are a major pest around by us we see a few a night in the garden and the noise they make in the spring is horrendous!
    We'll have to put serious thought in to predator prevention when the quails come to us next month or not so fantastic Mr Fox will be well fed :(

  12. Yes missed your blogs. Sorry you are having a difficult time. Hope all is sorted soon . Best wishes

  13. A bad week all round then. It is a bugger trying to keep the foxes out. I remember double fences that went under the soil for 4 feet out from the perimeter wire fence, curved out at the top on the outer and all that in reverse on the inner fence. Still the little bleeders would try their utmost to get in. I hope that things start to look better very soon. There are some who swear by lion scat from the zoo spread around the perimeter as a fox deterrent.

  14. Couldn't believe more woes..oh dear I hope you've turned the corner now. BT are a flipping nuisance, hope you get some compensation, i know the weather's wet and and windy but this delay is just not acceptable not like it has been snowing.

  15. Oh dear Dawn, it all sounds so tough for you at the moment. So sorry about that fox getting the ducks. Do hope the alpacas manage to keep going - we passed those who live near us yesterday and they were out in their field, but I did notice that the field had a slope on it, so it could be quite well drained. Do hope Kara is alright.


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