Thursday 14 January 2016

Another Sad Loss

This morning when Martin went out to feed the Alpacas he found Liberty had died during the night,
Losing two of our girls in a week is very sad news
Liberty has always been a friendly character and is the first to greet you at feed time, it was a real shock, she was fine yesterday, being her usual boisterous self  running around enjoying the frozen ground, she ate and grazed with the others nothing seemed amiss, she was 18 months old.
I called the vet and arranged for a postmortem, the vet phone a little while ago so far nothing has shown up except a bleed on the brain, more tests are being run.
We have collected medication for the others and dosed them up as a precaution.

Kara is a concern and I have discussed it with the vet, although she grazes with the others she wont eat any of the mineral supplement or dried food both she needs for her well being
The other day she seemed off and I thought I was going to lose her but she picked up again.
The vet said we have to get a couple of bottles of milk down her a day she is old enough to be weaned but if she wont eat the food supplements she wont make it.
So tonight we were back trying to get her to take her milk
By torch light in the field shelter here is a short video

At last me managed to get her to take 800ml
If all goes well we will do the same twice a day tomorrow.
Its just fingers crossed that she is still with us in the morning.

And the weather
Its snowing 


  1. Dawn I feel for you, I will keep every thing crossed

  2. Oh... how worrying and very, very sad. I also have everything crossed for you and the herd. Jx

  3. So sorry to read this Dawn, what an upsetting time for you and a worry too. I'm thinking of you xx

  4. Fingers crossed here as well. Sorry you lost one.

  5. So sad, they find a way to your heart don't they. Dawn I really am only trying to help here and if I am stating the obvious or completely off piste please forgive me but could you liquidise the minerals etc needed with the milk? Kind of making it " Horlicks" if you know what I mean. All good wishes to you - Tam

  6. So sorry to hear about Liberty. I hope Kara will take to the milk ok.

  7. I was so sorry to hear this - two in a week is not good. I hope you can get to the bottom of Liberty's death and it may shed light on Daffodil's too.

    At least Kara is taking the bottles now and looked to be enjoying this. Fingers crossed she will soon turn the corner.

  8. So sorry about Liberty - it seems very unfair to loose the 2 of them in one week - Kara looks like she was enjoying that bottle - let's hope that she bucks up now xxx

  9. Fingers crossed here Dawn. Are they like goats, who just seem, to give up when they are ill?
    Hope the vet finds the cause.

  10. I am so sorry to read that youhave had another loss. I do so love to read about your herd. I hope that Kara rallies

  11. I am so sorry Dawn to read this so soon after the death of Daffodil. I hope that Kara will pull through and that all of the others will alright too. Hope that the snow doesn't last. xx

  12. You and Martin have both been through so much this last week. I'm glad he was back home with you to provide support. She looks like she's enjoying the milk. Lets pray I does provide the nutrition needed.

  13. What an awful night this will be, wondering how she is doing, i truly feel for you. We had a horse start with colic tonight and though she seems ok, we will still be worrying all night. I await your update tomorrow and will be sending positive vibes xx

  14. I'm so sorry to hear this and feel for you both. Keeping my fingers crossed for Kara.

  15. Aww, so sorry about that. That's the hardest part of falling for our furry friends. Sending warm hugs your direction.

  16. So Sorry Dawn - Hugs. Kara looks as though she was relishing that milk, bless her heart and at least she has taken it. Poor little mite everything must seem really strange for her. I hope she makes it. So sad about Liberty I hope you get to the bottom of what is going on - it might be totally unrelated but it is worrying. Fingers crossed for Kara and the rest of the group.

    Pattypan xx

  17. So sad. Fingers crossed that Kara rallies x

  18. Oh no, how heartbreaking..thinking of
    you, everything crossed xx

  19. I'm so sorry to hear this Dawn, it's so sad. I really hope Kara pulls through xx

  20. So sorry and hope that the other will be well.

  21. I am so sorry Dawn, heartbreaking stuff. I am just getting back to rights after a horrible bug bit me.

  22. I'm so sorry for your loss. :(

  23. Such sad news. I hope Kara takes her milk and picks up very soon.

  24. Oh Dawn how devastating for you.
    I am rooting for Kara to pull through bless her little heart.

  25. Sometimes, just sometimes, smallholding life can get very hard, so thinking of you.....Vx

  26. I am so sorry to hear this Dawn, how awful for you. I will keep everything crossed for Kara xx

  27. Very sorry to read your sad news.
    Hoping that the young one can be reared safely and that you can find out what happened to the other two "girls".

  28. So glad to hear you're having tests done. It would appear something is amiss and the sooner you get to the bottom of it, the better. (hugs)

  29. So sorry to hear of another loss in the herd. Keeping fingers crossed for the others.


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