Thursday 21 January 2016

Turn Of The Goats

The day started as normal, feeds, water, hay collect eggs, bring in logs
then it was the turn of the goats
there house was given a good clean through
goats are not very houseproud, they will soil and relive themselves in there bedroom
after forking out the old bedding and scrapping the floor, it was a fresh layer off wood shavings
then a thick bed of new straw
Hay rack was refilled
after christmas was over I asked for next doors christmas tree
the goats like it to have a bit of a nibble on and scratch on
it was laying on the floor of there enclosure I stuck it in a pot and added a few fresh pine branches around the bottom, I have tied the tree up so they cant pull it over
I collect them some fresh greenery every day today it was brambles, holly and ivy
they do enjoy the greenery, it adds some interest to there diet of dried food.
water filled up, they go through a fair amount of water,
there enclosure was laid out with straw as well.
Goats all sorted 
sorted out the rubbish for collection, pop it in the car to drop off at the end of the drive,
I made a dash to the post van, only to find it wasn't Wednesday it was Thursday and I had missed it,
It also meant I had missed the rubbish collection oh well it will come round again in a fortnight
Back home again, rustled up some lunch
got some bread on the go
 made up a new batch of peanut butter, I love peanut butter but would rather pay 27p than £1 or more,
its one of the easiest things to make, large bag of value roasted peanuts into the food processer, blitz them up, then add 1tsp of sugar (optional) 2 tsp of sunflower oil blitz together there done.
That was easy,
Then it was hoover through upstairs down stairs in the ladies chamber
Wash the floors
then off to walk Sol down the woods
Back home again in time for another round of feeds and collecting eggs,
then sit down open the post
January delivery from the Seeds of the month club,
Watermelon I tried last year they were doing alright but we didn't get the summer they needed,
Squash White Bush a new one to try, the squash we grew last year did really well.
Beans this times its Blue Lake not come across these before, last years beans did really well.
 Beetroot Detroit these were another successful crop last year.
Its nice getting this little surprise package each month, you never know whats going to arrive.
It was egg and chips for dinner 
So how was your day :-)


  1. Egg and chips my favourite meal of all time. You certainly kerp yourself busy looking after you lovely animals. They were definitely lucky to have someone like you choose them, as you care for them so well providing little treats and lovely homes for shelter.

  2. I have never seen those squash seeds before but have grown the beans several times, always had a good crop.

  3. Your day sounds amazing. I decided it was time to take the kitchen apart and clean it - everything off the counters and the baking island - scrubbed every inch - emptied, washed and refilled canisters of baking items, rice and oats - even cleaned out the toaster crumbs - shined up the entire room - then made a lemon loaf cake - probably should have made that first and then cleaned instead of having to clean up the cake mess I made - and I can make a good mess when I bake. A good day all around with a little embroidering in the afternoon and now a huge Pacific winter storm is rolling in with high winds and heavy rain - perfect day.

  4. Egg and chips! With lashings of ketchup and splashes of vinegar! Yummy! But since we stopped using oil because we now have lard from our pigs as our frying fat we have not had chips. I miss them.
    Goats. Know all about keeping goats and the shenanigans they get up to. Lester prefers the cows, who are much calmer apart from when they are in season and try to mount him, then he can go off them!

  5. Busy busy day for you Dawn, sounds like a lovely routine though :-) The goats are lovely xx

  6. You did a lovely tidy up for your goats. 10/10! A nice selection of seeds. I've grown Blue Lake beans here and they do well and taste good.

    I don't eat peanut butter, but great to see a recipe for it. Do you use the peanuts still in their shells, and crack them open? I presume you don't use salted peanuts.

  7. Ooh Dawn, think I may try making the peanut butter! I had trouble getting going first thing but by the time the boys came home I'd managed to change Harry's bed, sort the washing to go on after 7pm (cheaper tarrif) made cherry oat tray bake, take Jake for a walk, bake soda bread with creme fraish, that was a first but good, and made garlic bread out of left over crusts so there was just tea to do. This morning i have already swwept and mopped the kitchen floors so just doing this before I have some breakfast. The cherry oat tray bake is all but gone so going to attempt a baking marathon today to cover the weekend and hopefully into next week.

  8. Blue Lake is a great bean. Always crops well as it is a climber and if left on the plant the beans make good flagolet green and dry to a good haricot
    I like the look of the white squash

  9. We use to give our goats a branch covered in Ivy when we locked them up at night. They loved it and it was cleaned of Ivy when we let them out. The cattle find Ivy a fine tonic too.

  10. Findingit hard to concentrate on how my day was because I have been sidetracked by the though of egg and chips (add peas and cover the lot with plenty of salt and vinegar and I would be in heaven on a plate). Haven't had it for years.

    My day yesterday involved forty minutes of torture at the physitherapist, half an hour and relaxation at the hairdresser and then an hour at the travel agent plotting a possible rail holiday for May. By the time I arrived back home it was getting dark because it was such a grey day.

  11. Are they roasted peanuts without salt? I LOVE peanut butter but now have salt and sugar free which is expensive. Lovely to see your goats, cleaning out was a big job here as we always left them in deep litter through most of the winter as it helped to keep them warm. 6 years on and I Still miss my goats :-(

  12. I think goats are much underutilised in this country, they're an animal where in hard times people could forage for all their food for them while they supply them with meat and dairy. Love the shelter as well.

  13. Hello Dawn, I have found you via Bovey Belle`s blog. Nice to think we have both met her!
    I love your photos of snowy alpacas in your last post.
    I like the sound of the Seeds of the Month club. A good way to try unfamiliar food.


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