Thursday 29 October 2015

Oh Rats ...............

This morning I caught a rat in the cage trap I had set
I had noticed the other day a burrow in the bank near the chicken run and could see a path running straight to the chicken run were it had chewed a hole to get in. Then there was a hole at the other end with another path leading straight to the Turkey run.
I set up the cage trap inside the run couldn't use a normal trap because of the chickens
Martin said I wouldn't catch it in the cage trap.
Well I did and the said rat is now no more, I dispatched it.
Rats are part of farm life and we will never get rid of them but we can do our best with traps and poison to keep them under control, is any one is offended by that then please get in touch I will happily send any rats to live with you.

I went into town yesterday needed a couple more feed bins for the goat feed, its no good just leaving feed in bags that's asking for trouble, I took the opportunity to have a wander around a few shops, In Wilko I picked up a few bargains in there end of season sale
 Strimmer Line 20p a pack
 Greenhouse glazing clips 20p a pack
 butcher hooks and pegs 20p a pack
and a couple of packs of seeds 20p a pack
They had loads of seeds but I have loads and I do prefer fresh seeds and those that are not hybrids.
the salad mix I will get sowing in the poly tunnel.

I have decided not to renew any of the garden magazines I have been getting, well there is only two Armature Gardener I have at the moment the last 7 issues sitting in there wrapper I haven't had time to look at and Home Farmer again I have the last few months waiting to be unwrapped, so there is no point in renewing subscriptions, I had a browse through the magazines in the shops yesterday and there was nothing that took my fancy they are all very samey at the moment.

On a good note I have sort of fallen into a cottage industry business, I have combined my love of crafting as earning a bit of money, I have been promoting my crafts through social media and taking orders, I will continue while I enjoy it but as soon as it becomes a chore I will stop, the money will be put to use financing projects on the homestead.

Another good news is in a few weeks a group of us bloggers are meeting up we all now each other through blogs and are all in the same area I am really looking forward to it. 

Thats all for now :-)


  1. Girl power, you got it.. Well done!!!!, but it is never ending we are always baiting traps ..hate much harder for you with the livestock and feed. Crafting should always be fun never a chore..and well so looking forward to meeting up. ..xx

  2. Enjoy your bloggy meet up! I am glad that your craft business on the side is going well and that you are enjoying it, as you say, as long as you enjoy! As for the rat, I am with you. Only trouble for me would be the catch and despatch, but I could get you for that! xx

  3. Amen Sister!!!

    It's amazing how many followers I have lost over the years when I make a blog post about dispatching vermin. It's insane how some people ant to follow blogs of people doing real farming and sustaining type work and living the life and then try and view it through rose colored glasses.

    Let me know if anyone gets in touch I wills end em some rats and mice too!!!!

  4. Glad your little cottage industry is going well.

    As for the rats - well, I came down to half a rat in the kitchen this morning. So I just have half your rat problem!!! There we are, cats are the natural solution : )

  5. End of season clearance sales, I love it! But I hate rats. They are so destructive. Our newest cat caught a rat the other day. Or rather she was playing cat-and-mouse with it until I kabonked it with a shovel.

  6. I shall have to have a look in Wilkos and see if there's any bits I can pick up. I stopped buying gardening magazines a while ago, as you say, they're all samey and each year they seem to dredge up the same articles. I'm sure you'll all have a great time at your bloggy meet up.

  7. Oh well done you for dispatching that rat.... we have had to use poison, which we don't like doing but Lester gets ticked off when rats run across the beams over his head when he is milking our cows!
    'Cottage industry' ! Again, well done you. We have still to find a source of income to support our life here in France, and hope that the Universe shows us the way to do that soon.
    As for connecting with fellow bloggers.....I am envious of you being able to do that. If I had fellow bloggers locally I would do the same, but so far there does not seem to be anyone around to meet up with, although I do know that local people look at the blog because when I am chatting about our life here on the farm they say "We know, we read your blog"! It would be nice, though, to read about what they are getting up to as well, then we would have the common ground of blogging.

  8. Well if I'm ever in Wales visiting relations I will make time to meet anyone who wants to. It would be lovely to meet like minded people. Well done on catching the rat ;O)


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