Sunday 11 October 2015

Impromtu Events

Yesterday morning while checking e-mails and messages I noticed there was a Wool fest on at Nearbeth, I did a google check and it wasn't to far from me, knowing that Bovey Belle was interested in spinning and weaving I sent her a message at 7-30am to see if she would be interested in going, yes she was up for it, after a shower and dressing in something that didn't look like I had been dragged off a farm backwards I went to pick her up, 
 I lovely little town and it had been yarn bombed for the event
 I loved the artistic work done on this building
These were the only pictures I took, BB's camera is better than mine and she took some lovely photos of the event she will be sharing them on her blog.
We had a lovely time, I bought a few things I really needed for spinning and felting will share them over on my craft blog later today.
I got back home in the afternoon and back to work, I had defrosted a bag of our pork mince
 mixed it u with some herbs and spices and made some sausage rolls
 The puff pastry was from the freezer bought some time ago when I spotted it reduced
 I don't claim to be a baker by any standard I am a more throw it together and hope for the best
They turned out alright and will be added to Martins food parcel to go back to work with.
I had some left over pork mince 
 made it into meatballs, browned them off
made up a sauce and pop it into the oven for dinner with pasta, there was enough for another dinner again for Martin to take back with him.
A very relaxing day all round, we have blue sky and sunshine this morning so I am off outside to help Martin tackle the front hedge that is as tall as the house, 
we want to cut it down and tame it again as a hedge.

Have a good day :-)


  1. Good luck with that hedge, it's the best time of the year to do it, next year it won't look so good, but after that it should be great. I'm not a cook and throw things together, lucky hubby is a great cook.

  2. Glad you had a good time at the wool fest. The sausage rolls look delicious and so does the meatballs and sauce. Martin has some lovely tasty food to take back with him.

  3. Sounds such a satisfying sort of day.

  4. I throw my meals together, they taste better that way. I'm looking fir ward to retirement so that I can join a sewing club or something similar. Working shifts prevents regular attendance to anything.

  5. So what is meant by pork mince? How is it different from regular pork? I guess I could just go look it up rather than asking and making you type though.

    It looks really good :)

    1. It is pork that was put through the mincer no particular cut, I had a load minced up when I was doing sausages and burgers but didnt use it all

  6. Those sausage tolls look delicious - they made my mouth water. I will definitely put that on my to do list this week :)


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