Sunday 18 October 2015

Domestic Goddess I Am Not

I am no domestic goddess unlike Bovey Belle I am sure she will be sharing with you her domestic magic soon.
Anyway I did have a day in the kitchen pretending
 Before the herbs disappear for winter I got some dehydrated, Mint and
 Coriander this time I don't bother drying any of the herbs that stay through winter I would rather use them fresh.
 I found a chicken in the bottom of the freezer so I cooked it up, ready for some dinners and sandwiches.

 Along with a joint of pork, I took the skin off the pork and is was dressed in a honey and red wine vinegar marinade
the skin didn't go to waste, it was cut into strips sprinkled with salt and put in the oven on a tray to crisp up, pork crackling for Martin one of his favourites
All sliced up, this was after we had some for dinner, this lot will be packaged and popped in the freezer for future quick meals

 The usual weekly bread was made
 as I was in the mood for baking I did a shortbread base, just 2 cups of plain flour, 1/3 cup of sugar, 1 cup of melted butter mixed together pressed down into baking tin baked for 20 mins at 200 c
 I had three tolberones left from Christmas so I melted 200g  (two and half left now) and spread it on top and left it to set then cut up. Chocolate covered shortbread.
 There was some rice krispies left in the cereal box, s I melted some marshmallows with melted butter, stirred in the krispies pressed them into a baking tip then once set cut up. Marshmallow krispies squares. 
All these things are really quick and easy to do my idea of baking. :-)

I had a box of peppers from the fruit and veg wholesaler for £1, they have now been diced and in the freezer, I think this the only veg I have bought since about May. 

I will do a post during the week of what we are harvesting now and what is growing there is plenty of variety in the veg garden and poly tunnel. We are still waiting a frost and also waiting for rain we haven't had any for 3 weeks we have some rain forecast for Wednesday. 
Anyone else spending time in the kitchen :-)


  1. Ive been busy cooking chicken and vegetables. I've got nearly all the meals covered for this week. Back at work on Thursday then nights all weekend so having food at the ready is great. Your baking looks fantastic and the crackling is making my mouth water. There is soace slowly appearing in the freezer ready for Christmas.

  2. Looks pretty domestic goddess like to me!!!!

    The true test though..... Were you wearing lingerie and carry a six pack while you made all that? :)

  3. I just wish my Domestic Goddess bit included Being Tidy - there's always piles of newspapers and books everywhere here and I am still trying to get to grips with the Weeds From Hell out in the veg plot!

    Some nice quick goodies rustled up with you though, and a bit more space in the freezer as well (my main one is bulging at the seams, so I need to work my way through the drawers and use stuff up.

    I'm glad your garden is still productive. Mine has ceased for the season and my Wyevale polytunnel is too airy and windblown in the winter months to encourage much to grow.

  4. How do you keep your bread fresh for a week? Or do you fridge / freeze it?

  5. plastic bag in the fridge, if I batch bake bread then its in the freezer :-)

  6. My husband loves pork cracking too , Lidl do some really nice pork that usually makes great cracking , I am looking forward to your polytunnel post xxx

  7. That all looks yummy! Funnily enough, I was thinking about rice crispy cakes the other day. I think this weather makes me more inclined to bake. Banana and choc chip loaf, flapjack, white chocolate and apricot cookies and rock cakes this weekend. Great for packed lunches, not so great for the waist line :(

  8. It is with great regret that I must inform you of something. Actually, no regret at all! You ARE a domestic goddess!!!! Just look at all of that cooking you did, and the animal care and the gardening, the crafting!!! If that doesn't make you a domestic goddess then I don't know what does!!!!! xx

  9. Some good ideas there, Dawn, which made me feel inspired to get back in the saddle again with cooking.....after all the chaos of getting the Rayburn and its radiators sorted out last week I had lost my momentum with smallholding in general, including anything to do with cooking, but after reading your blog I can feel my interest starting to quicken again! Thank goodness for fellow bloggers!

  10. It all looks fabulous. I'm quite partial to pork crackling, yum yum.

  11. That is the only sort of pork crackling that I like, and I am so going to make the shortbread and toblerone. I have made so much rice crispy cake recently that I can not face any more for a while. I am still churning out versions of Mum,s Apple Cake though. I think that you are more in the mould of warrior queen than domestic goddess though and think that you can truly say "Shirley Conran" eat your heart out anb as for Martha Stewart, phooey

  12. Love roast pork, and the sweet treats look yummy too. Completely misplaced my baking mojo , must find it one day.xx

  13. Well, your cooking looks as if it was produced by a domestic goddess - so someone else must have made it!
    And how on earth do you have choc left from Christmas?? Choc here would be gone by new year :-)

  14. Sorry I can't get past the fact that you have Toblerone left over from Christmas! You must have super will power x

  15. Nothing beats pork scratchings! I could eat them all day!


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