Sunday 4 October 2015

Preserving Something Different

Today I got the chance to try preserving something totally different
 Baby Globe Artichoke buds, I was looking at the plants this morning admiring the nice big buds coming on, we had a couple last week and will have some more tomorrow, there was a nice amount of small baby buds and I thought its a shame the wont get a chance to mature, I did a bit of research on the web and came across this Marinated Baby Artichokes I believe its an Italian recipe, 
from what I was reading else were the Italians are big on preserving Artichokes.
 Anyway I have given it a try, I trimmed the flower buds and boiled them in the spiced vinegar
 drained them and popped them into the jars with some sprigs of thyme, filled the jars with extra virgin olive oil, then water bathed them for 25 mins
 I have no idea what they will taste like, we ave to wait 2-4 to try them, if we don't like them I wont do them again.
This of course led to another job, Martin had put up another cupboard int he barn for me
 It has now been filled with all my preserving jars, these are all bottle and jars that can used for canning or water bathing, everyday jam jars are stored else were. There are jars in here for honey as well, which I need to get more of. Its going to be great to see at a glance what jars I am running low on, and of course not having to hunt through boxes for them.

 On top in big storage jars are the seals, rings, lids and rubber rings for preserving.
Of course moving all of that lot from the utility room meant
 Yes the utility room was given a good sort out
All nice and tidy again and organised


  1. I've never tried globe artichokes, they always seem a bit fiddly to me. It's great to have everything sorted out like that in the barn, very organised.

  2. Dawn you are just so organised and clever. I'm have a cupboard in the workshop for preserving goods. We've been having a bit of a sort out indie and outside the house.

  3. Sounds good Dawn, so hope they taste good too.
    I have come to the conclusion that when one is young and choosing one's (hopefully) life partner, top of the list should be 1. Is he good and inventive at doing jobs around the place. You obviously chose well!

  4. I guess that they will be like the jars of marinated artichoke hearts that you can buy for antipasti and so on, hope they taste good! xx

  5. You are very organised. We love our utility ("boot") room.

  6. We made some new American friends and when they visited they brought round a very tasty homemade artichoke dip. Was the first time I had ever tasted artichokes. I guess there must be a recipe on the web if you have anymore to use up.

  7. Seeing your organised cupboards and shelves makes me happy! I love to see other people's organised spaces. Is that weird?!

  8. I have cupboard envy! My jars are in a box under the sofa, out of sight for when we put the house on the market!

  9. Your cupboards look great... I too am in a state of 'jar envy'! Jx


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