Thursday 1 October 2015

More Muck Spreading

Still making the most of this glorious weather,
 I got clearing the Asparagus ferns from the bed gave it a good weeding and ruffled up the surface
being careful not to damage the roots of the Asparagus roots
 Its now getting top dressed with Alpaca poo, at the far end of the bed the Oca are growing, they have been earthed up, this is the time of year they start building up there tubers and it will be a while yet until they are harvested, there is also some Yacon growing down that end as well, along with Globe Artichokes and Jerusalem Artichokes.
 I have been doing more weed clearing around the fruit bushes and top dressing them with poo as well, the blackcurrant cuttings I took late spring have come on really well.

 In the poly tunnel the sweet potatoes are putting on lots of growth the vines are spreading there were also given a top dressing of poo and a good watering, they will also be building up tubers so they will need plenty of moisture.
 Back out in the fruit garden, I am using some of the pallet collars to make ericasious beds, I got a couple of Blueberries planted into this one, I have another two bushes to get out of pots yet, less pots to water next year will be good, I have a Cranberry plant I want to get into this bed too, I have had my cranberry for a few years and each year I managed to get enough fruit for a small jar jar of cranberry jelly, there is only me that eats it.

Right I will have to dash, came across a box of hair dye in the cupboard, back from my shop working days, so decided to put it to use, time to wash it off now. :-)


  1. I love sweet potatoes but they can be expensive. I didn't realise they could be grown through the winter. Keep us informed how they are doing. I might try next year.

  2. Useful to have so much manure lying around eh?! It's all still looking very productive and I imagine it's a good feeling to be getting the plants you'd brought with you in pots, out and into the ground now :)

  3. I am looking forward to trying my Oca,s and have been looking at Yacon for next year. I will have to pick your brains next time we meet, I am trying to decide what dehydrator would be best as well.

    1. I am also am wondering on choice of dehydrator, any advice/recommendation would be muchly appreciated.
      Very fond of roasted farty chokes.

    2. Ok, just seen Kev's blog, Excalibur on order.

  4. I am just staggered at the amount of work you have done in the garden - and then taken the time to write about it. I have my 'pepper and salt' hair dyed at the salon but am just trying to imagine you sitting writing about your day's work with your hair ticking over on the dying process. Hope it turns out well.

  5. I think everyone's making use of the warm weather while it lasts, I think it's forecast to change next week.

  6. Who said you can,t look lovely living in the country!!!! Xx

  7. You are working hard to get everything ready for winter. I wish I could get similarly motivated in my garden. Jx

  8. Love the sound of growing your own sweet potatoes, it all looks really good

  9. You are always on top of your garden jobs. I am always behind!!! It's great that you can use Alpaca poo straight away and not have to overwinter it or anything in a compost heap. You are growing things I have never heard of, let alone eaten!


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