Wednesday 18 June 2014

Kiwis, Dog Fouling and Other Stuff

Firstly the Kiwi's the cuttings I took the other week most seem to be doing fine, some just rotted and died the others I checked on this morning and found this 
I have roots yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 
well not me personally but the kiwi cuttings have roots.
The grapes sadly didn't make it, so I am going to try some more. 

Now dog fouling, the path I walk along on the edge of the fields in the morning when I am going to see to the Alpacas is covered in dog mess, there is a bin at each end of the path for dog waste, sometimes I even see tied up bags of dog waste hanging in the hedge, WHY WHY WHY. 
There is a woman I see most mornings walking her 3 dogs, I have had a confrontation with her before as she has no control over the dogs and they always come bounding up barking and I have even had them jump up at me, I have suspected her of not clearing up her dogs mess, this morning I caught her red handed YES, I followed her to see were she lived in the village and confronted her about the dog fouling, of course she denied it, I then showed her some photos I took of her with her dogs fouling and her walking away, she then accused me of being a pervert and a weirdo for being in the field at 7-30 in the morning and not even having a dog with me, I did respond with my reasons for being there, I have now forwarded on the photos and her details to the council who I know take this very seriously and she stands to be prosecuted, I have also forwarded them to our village newsletter who are happy to name and shame offenders. 

Other stuff, we have officially exchanged on this house yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee now we are just waiting on the exchange on Wales should be in the next few days. 

The Alpacas are going to be sheared today yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee another job done, so I have kept then shut in there little enclosure ready for us to take them this afternoon
There not too happy being closed in so I gave them a load of hay to sweeten them up, they will enjoy the benefits later when they are rid of there thick fleeces, they will also be getting there teeth checked and having a full manicure, I plan to take lots of pics and video them at the beauticians this afternoon.


  1. Wow, full steam ahead and a little from the ears as well by the sounds of it. I do tell people when their dog messes and they don't pick it up but I have never followed anyone home lol.......... oh you made my day. Please let me know if the Council act on your pictures x

    1. Phones are great for taking on the spot pictures, she only lived round the corner from the field, we are such a small village with only 2 roads, so I knew she didnt live to far away, her husband was outside cleaning the car and he didnt say a word, he never even acknoweleged I was there.

  2. Good for you confronting that lady and then reporting her to the Council. I hate dog mess and it makes me very angry that some people are so selfish and irresponsible. I hope she gets fined!

    1. If more people made a stand a reported offences like this it would make a differance, but unfortunatly a lot of people walk on by and nothing is done, which just re-enforces what they are doing is acceptable

  3. Well done you for making a stand, even my little boy clears up after the dog without being told too.

    1. Well done Joanne a future respectful dog owner in the making.

  4. Nobody likes a confrontation but sometimes it's the only way. I don't understand the mentality of some people, she's so in the wrong but trying to make you feel bad instead. Really well done for sticking to your guns. Can't wait to see your gorgeous Alapacas once they're shorn.


    jean x

    1. I have broad shoulders and can take her insults it was just a reaction by her for being caught.

  5. Well done for confronting her about the dog mess. It drives me crazy to see it. We went to the park today and had to dodge some. I think there should be some sort of test to be able to keep a dog!
    I'm going to do some kiwi cuttings soon and blueberry and I'll probably use the method you have.

    1. I was determind to find the culprit before I move.
      I might have to try some Blueberry cuttings too in a few weeks.

  6. Am loving your blog, ( thanks to kev)
    And love your alpacas.......I am seriously thinking of getting some

    1. Welcome John, Alpacas are great and very calming,


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