Monday 23 June 2014

A Little Modesty Curtain

The bathroom and downstairs toilet in the new house has plain glass in the windows, why I don't know they don't even have any blinds or curtains at the windows, you just sit there in full view. 
Not there would be many passers by, but I don't want to be on view when the post man calls. 
I set about make a set of lace panels on my sewing machine the other week with silver thread and I added a blue variegated  fish and shells to each of the panels, the panels have now been joined together and I have added some glass dagger beads to the bottom of the little curtain, this little curtain is go on the window of the downstairs toilet.
I sellotaped it to the window to take a photo. I am pleased how all the lace work has come out, not a scrap of fabric used just thread. for the bathroom window I have bought a sheer cotton panel as it is a fairly big window, I plan to stitch a design onto the panel perhaps blue sea shells and then I will do towels to match. 
Until such time we get round to replacing the glass with frosted the curtains will suffice. 
I had a friend come over for a visit today, we sat in the garden with some cream cakes she brought with her having a good old natter, I helped her picked a bag of gooseberries to take home and a bag of blackcurrants, goodbyes were said and I do hope she will come and visit in Wales.
We had a massive storm this afternoon it really threw it down and of course we ended up with a power cut, I had just finished cooking dinner, every time we have bad weather in the village we lose power Internet and phones, it got me thinking about being so rural will we lose power with bad weather, hubby did  suggest we should perhaps look at a generator. We will see.
That about sums my day up now to have a look and see what every one else has been up to. 


  1. That's really beautiful Dawn. We bought a generator as I have been in so many power cuts I believe they follow me!

    1. We got them at the other house too, I am expecting it to happen our last visit to wales they were without phone lines they had become damaged in the storm, so I would rather prepare for all eventualitys.

  2. Very pretty and clever stuff - way beyond my limited knowledge.
    We used to get lots of power cuts but since wires were upgraded things seem much better. We do have a "Genny" Just In Case - for the freezer mainly.

    1. There was no skill involved in making the curtain, it was a program I bought and downloaded onto my sewing machine. Press a button and off it goes all I do is choose colours and thread it up.

  3. Beautiful, too good for a bathroom. In our old house we always lost power and were always the last to get it back. The first day with candles was romantic, after that it got very frustrating!

    1. I have plenty of candles and oil lamps, it is just for things like the freezer and my sewing machine :)

  4. Its very pretty, we have a generator but have never had to use it!

    1. A generator I think is handy to have although they dont come out cheap :(

  5. That's lovely!
    We had clear glass in our bathroom at our old house. Because of the way it was positioned you could look down at people in the garden but they couldn't see you :)

    1. unfortunatly these windows are positioned so you are on full view. :(

  6. Sensational panels, they have a vintage European look about them. You are a clever stick.

    jean x

    1. Thank you, I wanted something a bit different

  7. The curtain is beautiful but I'm still not sure how you made it? Was it pieces of lace sewn together and machine embroidered? It looks so complex - and very, very pretty

    1. The sewing machine I have does machine lace its just thread thats stitched all over a soluble stabaliser, when each panel is done you soak it in water and the stabaliser dissapears and you are left with lace.


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