Tuesday 10 June 2014

Harvesting is Getting Under Way

There is not a vast amount planted out this year due to moving plans, so what has been grown I have been bringing it on in containers, today I harvested the first couple of Courgettes, some Pak Choi and some more of the Broad Beans
All thrown into a stir fry along with some mushrooms onions garlic and some pork left over from last nights dinner, very nice it was too.
I love it when we can start picking courgettes, we only have one plant this year so there wont be too many, we are also harvesting new potatoes, those I love just boiled and served with butter, Strawberries, I picked the first of the broccoli yesterday we had last night for dinner.
As the new people are going to flatten the garden I intend to use as much as possible of what veg is in the ground, even if i have to use it as young baby veg. 
The Asparagus is finished now, the Runner Beans are just starting to flower, the Cos lettuce is hearting up nicely, and the baby tomatoes are starting to swell, so summer time has defiantly arrived in the garden.
Are you starting to harvest from the plot ?


  1. My brad beans have just started to pod & the courgettes are no way near. I have lots to look forward to though. I enjoy a stir fry like that myself, far nicer picked straight from the garden.

    1. Stir frys are great for using small amounts up all in one go.

  2. Sadly we are only getting salad at the moment - I think living in the North, we are a couple of weeks behind because it is a couple of degrees colder up here. But whether I get anything at all depends on the evil slugs who are eating my seedlings faster than I can plant them :(

    It is so encouraging to see what other people are already eating though. I had to re-sow ALL my courgetters two days ago (slugs! as you know) and so am crossing my fingers some will make it.

    1. I am sure your courgettes will catch up, mine were started in the greenhouse and are being grown on in pots this year.

  3. Our courgettes are on go slow this year. First broad beans tomorrow. Lots and Lots of strawbs. I hope you will move in time to get late stuff into your new garden

    1. I am not expecting to get anything growing this year as the land has to be cleared, might be ready for some Autumn plantings though.

  4. We've had some early radish. Lots of rocket and lettuce but that's about it at the moment. Teeny tiny courgettes are peeking through and the cucumber plants are growing at a rate of knots..........not long to wait now.

    1. Courgttes have a habit of multiplying in size when you are not looking, before you know it you have marrows.

  5. The veg look lovely and fresh. You are so much further on than us - and we are even further south and generally warmer ! (disregarding recent strong winds and torrential rain!) So far we have only harvested fruit...

    Your move sounds exciting; all those new challenges ahead - this time next year...!

    1. The veg is only further forward because it has been brought on in pots in the greenhouses and tunnels, we are not usualy this far forward.

  6. We are on holiday for two weeks and will miss the start of our harvest, having every thing crossed our daughter will water each day and keep every thing alive.

    1. I am sure your daughter will do everything just fine and you will come home fingers crossed to a bumper harvest.


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