Wednesday 11 June 2014

A Couple of Free Plants

These two Cucamelon plants arrived today from Sutton's seeds, it was an offer they were running in the Home Farmer magazine, with it also came a £2 gift voucher so I will have to do a bit of shopping to use it up. I will get the plants potted on tomorrow, as I have not long come in from work and I am shattered, so they are standing in a saucer of water at the moment.
I have not grown these before and I do like the challenge of growing something new. 
I came across an American seed club last week through Two Men and a Little Farm blog, I thought it would be interesting to give it a go, its all heirloom seeds and they are GMO free, I signed up for a year, In your first month they send you 8 packets of seeds and there after you get 4 packets of seeds a month suitable for growing in your area zone, they do ship international as well, my first package arrived yesterday
It will be good to get a few different variety's to what we normally get over here.
Full details of the seed club here Monthly Seed Club they have some interesting info on there site as well and some downloads.


  1. I've never heard of cucamelon before this year are they new?

    1. They have been about for a few years, there are part of James Wong edible plant collection, thee are suppose to be prolific fruiters so we will see.

  2. You are one of several people on my blogging roll who ordered them. I have a packet of seeds for planting next year so I'll be watching closely to see how you all find them. They sound really exciting!

    1. I have James Wongs Books so will try a few of his recipes with them.

  3. My cucamelon is a slow grower and when I potted them on, they sat for ages doing nothing, but now I have a couple of flowers on one, there are loads of sites showing you how to grow them. Mine I feed with liquid tomato food and they are doing well.

    1. I did read they grow to about 10ft, so i have given something to scramble up


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