Sunday 9 November 2014

Garden Tool Shed and IBC Tanks

Hubby has managed to collect 4 IBC tanks, he picked them up from Bristol on his way home on Friday evening, he got them off e-bay £29 each.
These will be set up to collect rainwater to use for animals and in the garden,
 hopefully cutting down our water bill.
Today we set about putting up the 10ftx8ft garden tool shed 
the base was put together 
Kara was doing her best to help
she insisted on picking up the tub of nails every time hubby put it down and kept bringing it to me 
eventually the floor was completed and we made a start on the sides
working in sunshine and showers it started to take shape
The windows face down over the animal paddocks
getting the roof on meant we were getting closer to finishing 
Roof on and felted, windows in it is now ready for me to move all the garden tools a job I will be doing through the week, it will be lovely to have all the garden stuff in one place and easy to find, even better will be having it in the vegetable garden area. 
We plan to put some anchor ropes over the shed to make sure it doesn't take off. 
We have just had a chines take away for dinner my choice as it is my birthday dinner two days early as hubby will be back at work and i will be here alone, there is enough left over for hubby to take back for his dinner tomorrow and for me to have a dinner tomorrow as well.
That about winds up our Sunday now its time to settle in front of the fire and watch Strictly.


  1. Happy birthday for two days' time. It was my husband's birthday today, but we hope for better weather for the Birthday Day Out.

    The garden shed looks great and you are getting very organised with the IBC tanks for water. We have our own spring and well, so get it for free. It will be hard to have to pay water rates when we downsize . . .

    We follow Strictly too - though my husband does draw the line at watching Downton Abbey (!) which I love.

  2. Happy birthday for next week, November, Scorpions, there are a lot of us. I love my garden shed, much smaller than yours, but it's my space, with loads of lovely gardening items in.

  3. *We've got more IBCs Than you!* You have to say this in a sing-song way as per a 10 year old!!

  4. How great to have so many windows in the shed. It will make a big difference when you are working in there. xx

  5. Kara still wants to work doesn't she ? Bless her

  6. A good shed is always handy. Just make sure you keep it better organised than mine!

  7. It is so nice to find a blog from across the big pond. :) In wales no less. Beautiful shed BTW.


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