Tuesday 11 November 2014

The Best Birthday Present

Today I got the most wonderful birthday present from young K next door a lovely little boy who has become a friend and a good source of humour with his imagination, young K is six and with the help of his mum his made me Bob the scarecrow 
Not the best photo but Bob is standing in the porch in the dark at the moment, when he is installed in the veggie garden I will take some better photos.
Young K and me got into conversation the other week about my veggie plot and he was concerned that the birds were going to eat the vegetables and he informed me I needed a scarecrow.
Bob will take pride and place in the veggie plot, he will be a wonderful addition to the garden. 
I got many cards and well wishes,

lots of chocolates, money  and some lovely gifts
 the birthday gift that will be remembered best of all will be Bob I think he is fantastic :-)


  1. What a brilliant scarecrow, such a sweet present.

  2. What a fabulous present, especially from a little boy! That is so nice in so many ways. Happy Birthday to you!!!! xx

  3. Happy Birthday, hope you had a good day and I hope you scarecrow works even though he looks a bit cuddly

  4. Happy Birthday and wishes for many more. Hope you had a great day and Bob should do a good job keeping the birds away! Ranee from Minnesota USA

  5. Not the scariest scarecrow. But what a lovely present. Happy Birthday

  6. What a brilliant present. Hope you had a great birthday.

  7. Many happy returns Dawn. Bob looks brilliant, what a kind lad to make him for you.


  8. Happy birthday, every garden should have a BOB! and a young K.

  9. Oh that is the sweetest thing, a gift from the heart, lovely, xx

  10. What a thoughtful gift! Happy Birthday xxx

  11. What a lovely scarecrow and what a sweet little boy. Belated birthday greetings. My OH had his birthday in the past week too, but we are hoping for a dry day so we can have his Birthday Day Out (a ritual in our family).


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