Tuesday 18 November 2014

Hedging Pears and Plums

It has been a busy few days, yesterday I was at the craft club, then the afternoon I spent in my cabin making more Christmas gifts, this morning was my paid session at the family centre working with the mums and there little ones, we were doing baubles details on my craft blog, I am glad I am only doing 4 sessions with them, the mums are lovely but the noise from 14 toddlers is something else, I was asked today if I could put a program of events together for the spring I will be giving it careful consideration before I commit.
I got home at lunch time and found another big box on the doorstep
This time it was hedging pear and plum trees, I came across them a few weeks ago on kenmuir.co.uk
I hadn't come across hedges from pears and plums so thought I better give them a go.

Cherry Plum
Produces masses of pure white flowers in the early spring before the leaves appear, followed by deliciously sweet cherry plums in the autumn. This dense hedge with its thorny twigs provides an attractive yet effective barrier.
Ultimate Height 7.6m (25ft)
Recommended Hedge Height 1.2-1.8m (4-6ft)
Growth per Year 30-45cm (12-18in)
Planting Distances 35-60cm (1ft 2"-2ft)
Positions Requires a sunny position.
Soil Suitable for most well drained soils.

  Hedging Plum
New! Our pear (Pyrus communis) hedging is a species native to Europe and produces clusters of pretty white flowers in April followed by edible fruits in late autumn that can be eaten raw, cooked with, or used to make perry. The trees are deciduous and have orange/gold autumn tints and are popular with wildlife.

Ultimate Height 15m (50ft)
Recommended Hedge Height Prune to height desired.
Growth per Year 30-45cm (12-18in)
Planting Distances 35-60cm (1ft 2"-2ft)
Positions Grows well in any light but particularly likes semi shade.
Soil Suitable for normal soils (except chalk).
 I have copied the details from the site, I did also order some Raspberry canes, Mailing Minerva they are an early fruiting cane, all the trees and raspberry canes are bare rooted so need to be planted asap.
 I got half a dozen planted then it was time to see to animals and I was losing light.
The initial place I had in mind for them I decided against, I have now decided to plant them out along the fence line of the growing area  they will give a bit of a wind break when they have established and hopefully encourage pollinating insects.
With the order I got a free book a surprise as I wasn't expecting anything
 I had a quick flick through it and its got some excellent information in it.
My outdoor list is starting to stack up I really need to get a move on with planting.
To plant list 
14 Hedging Pears and Plums
5 Raspberry canes
24 of my original raspberry canes
30 strawberry plants
18 Apple and Pear Trees
5 Nut Trees
5 Blueberry bushes
1 Tayberry
1 Honeyberry
3 Fig Trees
3 Grape Vines 
Passion Flowers
Perennial Flowers
6 Bare Rooted Roses
6 Bamboo Plants
Perennial Veg
150 Onion Bulbs
25 Shallots
50 Flowering Alliums
25 Dwarf Daffodil
25 Tulips
50 Lavender Plants 
The lavender is what I ordered back in July, I didn't get them all planted when i realised the digger was coming through the garden to dig out the water trenches I stopped planted them, so glad I did.
 The list of things to plant is long and I really really must get stuck into planting them, most important is the bare rooted ones the others are in pots and will be fine there but I would like to get them into the ground before winter sets in.
Anyone else got a planting list ?


  1. I'm behind with planting some more Willow saplings. I have twenty to plant, in the first instance for weaving whips and in the long tern for fire wood.

    1. Funny you mentioned willow i have been looking into growing some i think it will be on next years list

  2. Good grief, you had better stop blogging and get planting !!
    Our to plant list 2 baby oak trees, 1 sweet chestnut from a car boot and some bamboo in a pot. I think that's it for the moment

    1. I fancy a couple of sweet chestnuts I might have to look at those for next year. :-)

  3. Wow!! That is a massive list of things to plant. You are going to be very busy indeed. I expect that Kara will like being out and about with you doing all that. Cherry plums are delicious and make great jam!! xx

    1. A lot of the trees came with us when we moved, Kara likes to lie in the greenhouse where it is nice and warm

  4. Sound liek a great idea for hedging. I looked into it but where I planted a hedge was along a footpath ao I guessed I'd loose all the fruit to walkers anyway! You're planting list is pretty impressive.

    1. Thats a shame although would they realise what they are :-)

  5. Gosh do you grow to sell?? It sounds wonderful. My ground is sodden at the moment I wasn't sure if I out my garlic in whether it would just rot. Very impressive assortment of plants.

  6. You have an impressive planting list. One of the first things I did here when we arrived was to plant soft fruit bushes as there were no PYO farms round here! (We had been spoilt for choice in Dorset). I like the idea of the Pears and Plums for hedging. Keep up the good work.


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