Wednesday 19 November 2014

Its Come To Life...

There is stirrings of life in the mushroom bag
the mycelium is growing a lot faster than what I expected, I only started the mushroom spawn last week and yes its coming to life, the instructions said can take up to six weeks. I don't think my Oyster Mushrooms read the instructions.
Other news today, after the long planting list from yesterday, I got out into the garden at 8am and started digging over the third raised bed, I decided to double dig the bed.
Basically you dig out a trench spade depth from one end and keep it to one side, fork over the sub soil, then the next row you dig out a spade and tip it face down into the trench you had previously dug, then fork over the sub soil and continue until you get to the end and put your sods from the first trench face down into the last trench.
Me personally I would only double dig new ground once after that it should only need light tilling or forking, some gardeners double dig all there growing areas every year, but I don't see that it benefits it any the turf is now at the bottom and will rot down.
  I added 8 bags of spent mushroom compost forked it in and the bed was planted up with the last back of Shallots Yellow Moon, Red Onions Electric and Yellow Onions Senshyu.
I have one bag of onion sets left to plant and one more raised bed to dig over, 
these raised beds as 12ft x 6ft so they are a nice size.
We will then build another four raised beds then that will be our outside growing area complete.
I made a lovely rice pudding this morning and it has been in the simmering oven all day ready for me to have some this evening, I took a fancy to rice pudding when I was washing up this morning.
I also got a bit of time to go back through my garden diary, every year my daughter gets me a lovely hardback diary and calender, the diary I use to record what I planted, what I harvested, what I ordered and what seeds I sowed, when I have fed plants or done particular things in the garden, does anyone else who blogs keep a diary as well ?


  1. Good news on your mushrooms, if you succeed I might invest some money in some kits. I keep a diary too as well as my blog. I am almost ashamed to admit to viewing my orders & plantings whilst in meetings.

    1. I gave up with the kits from garden centres they were always dissapointing :-)

  2. Wow, that was quick on the mushrooms wasn't it! I am amazed that you have been doing all that double digging, you must be so incredibly fit! xx

    1. Defo getting fitter i have lost over a stone since being here :-)

  3. I always use my blog to check back, this is made easier because each year I print out my blog, 2013 in book form arrived this week, bit later than normal, I love to check each month how well the garden did in previous years.

    1. I like that idea I might have to look into it :-)

  4. MUSHROOMS..I am t-totally jealous! :)

    1. I got the grain spawn from the mushroom box so far i am very pleased with them

  5. There is some great you tube snippets on growing mushrooms. Definitely worth a look. Good luck will be checking back to see how you're doing.


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