Wednesday 5 November 2014

Climbing To New Heights

What a lovely day of sunshine we have had today, a bit of a chill in the air but gorgeous in the sunshine, after the early morning chores, Kara and me went for a bit of a walk up the road, then popped over to C senior and C Junior for a cuppa and a catch up, the fencers arrived and set to on the stock fencing in the field, its really starting to take shape out there now, Kara slept in the sunshine while I had a bit of tidy up around the greenhouse and veg garden, some of my sweet peas are now up and lupins.
The delivery man arrived I was hanging about so I didn't miss him, he brought me a reel of cable I ordered.
Yesterday I bought this in Tesco 
It was £49 and I had £20 of vouchers to use so it only cost me £29
I get so frustrated with the TV signal breaking up all the time on freeview I did a bit of research and thought Freesat might me the solution, there is a couple of old sky dishes set up here and all you have to do is plug the receiver box into the sky dish, problem number 1 the original cable had been cut off were it came into the house problem number 2 I didn't have a connector to attach to the box, I quick search on good old amazon solved my problems, I ordered a 20m reel of cable with connectors for £7.99 last night and Mr Amazon delivered them today free delivery because I am a prime member, so cable in hand after it arrived today I then had to get it connected to the satellite dish on top of the barn, I am not good with heights at all, so after a cuppa and spending time poo picking around the field and cleaning out the ducks and yet another cuppa, I decided I could do this, I fetched the ladder and put it up against the barn, looking I realised I was going to have to climb to the top to reach the dish, so being a brave girl I climbed up the ladder disconnected the old cable, Jim the fencer spotted me asked if I was alright I obviously wasn't looking to calm, when I came down I explained to him what I was doing and that I am not good at heights, he offered to nip back up with the new cable for me to connect it up. I didn't need asking twice. I took him up on his offer.
After it was connected I went indoors and finished the connection in there switched on set it to tune and bingo I now have 150 tv channels with excellent reception. 
Then my next delivery of the day arrived my new garden shed, lovely fellas unloaded it and stacked it were I asked and then gave me a free gift to go with my shed 
 A Shed Solar Light
I am sure it will be useful. it does actually give off a fair amount of light.

This evening I made my Biryani, i had to male the Pilau Rice first, I was surprised to see the recipe called yellow and red food colouring, something I didn't have in the cupboard so I used Saffron instead to colour,
This was it when I was adding the saffron before it went into the oven to finish cooking.
The Biryani was fairly easy to cook, I was so impatient to eat it I just spooned some of the curry sauce over it and didn't bother with a salad.
It was really tasty, I am sure hubby is going to like this. I have kept some by for tomorrows dinner and I will have salad with it, the rest has gone in the freezer. 
I can understand now why Indian meals are expensive there is a lot of work involved with the preparation but it is worth it for a really tasty meal. 
Now its feet up the fire is lit and the Apprentice is on tonight. 


  1. It was our turn for rain today.............ALL day.........pouring, more like Wales than Suffolk!

  2. Nice day here as well. Met up with a mum from playgroup and took the kids for a walk which was just what they needed, a good bit of fresh air!
    If you're a prime member don't you get amazon's own TV as well if you connect to the internet - it's meant to be pretty good with loads of films to watch on demand as well.
    Nothing beats a good curry - I just wish I could cook nan bread like they do, I'd eat nothing else I think. Maybe I'll have a to make a tandoor oven next year as an outside project!

  3. What a fabulously productive day. We could all do with more of those.


  4. The weather was lovely yesterday but it is back to rain today. Your curry looks lovely & yes they can be hard work. I tend to leave it until I have a day off.

  5. mmmmm I have a hankering for a ruby now!

  6. I am glad that your curry was good after all the work that it took, good to know it was worth it! xx


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