Thursday 4 September 2014

Missing From Home !!!!!

I discovered this afternoon that Flash my Beloved tortoise had managed to get out of the area I had closed in for him. I have spent the whole afternoon with neighbours searching the fields for him, no sign.
Tomorrow morning we will have another look around he usually basks until about 11am so we will be searching all areas in the sunlight, without basking he wouldn't be able to get about, he needs to bring his body temperature up to function. So fingers crossed we might find him sunbathing. 


  1. I sincerely hope you find him tomorrow.

  2. Do let us know if you find Flash. We had 2 tortoises when I was a child. They spent most of their time trying to escape. Our neighbours would bring them back. Lovely creatures aren't they. x

  3. Good luck on finding Flash. I had never heard of anyone having a pet tortoise before. Intriguing.
    Myra, from Winnipeg, Canada where the sky is threatening a thunder storm.

  4. Oh no, you've been so careful. I hope you find him soon x

  5. Hope you find him. It is difficult to concentrate on anything else when a pet goes missing.

  6. keeping everything crossed for you and Flash xx

  7. Why is it our beloved creatures feel the urge to explore so widely? The mister and I were out last night and a huge Peacock ran out in front of our car. Of course we stopped and I tried to catch him as it was a busy main road. Suddenly a couple walking their dog came out of nowhere and told us his name was Kevin and that he was always wandering around on the road. I did manage to chase him back into his own garden, which was the local manor house, of course. Hope to hear Flash returns safely.

    Jean x

  8. Hope you get Flash back soon.

  9. As a child we had a couple of disappeared as we were about to put them to bed in their straw boxes for the winter and we thought we had lost it for good. The following spring it turned up when my father started digging out the compost heap to spread on the veg beds. The tortoise had hibernated through the winter by digging into the heap.


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