Sunday 20 September 2015

Thelma and Connie

Here they are Thelma and Connie
 This is Thelma the darker one
 And this is Connie
They are both sister's and are still a bit stand offish, there first time away from the herd so I expect it will take some time for them to settle in, we are hoping they have both managed to get caught by the Billy we will know in a few weeks. They are Boer Guernsey cross.
They have been named after Lake Thilmere and Lake Conniston in the Lake District as our house has been named after a place there. All future addition's will be named in the same way.

 While I was sewing toilet rolls in the cabin (craft blog for details)  Martin was bottling his Dandelion wine, its lovely and clear and should be ready for drinking Christmas
 He also got some pea pod wine on the go, I have been keeping the pods in the freezer for him finally today he had to time to make a start on it.

This afternoon we dispatched plucked and dressed the last four table ducks for this year, we having the smallest for dinner tomorrow, it weighs 4lb the others came in at 4.8lb's, 5.8lbs and a lovely 6.4lbs, they are now in the freezer for another day, we should have got them done a few weeks ago but just didn't have the time.

That about sums up today :-)


  1. Good looking girls. I look forward to hearing more about them. I still miss my goats after 5 years! I used to think it would be impossible to carry on calling us smallholders without goats

  2. Lovely additions to your livestock.

  3. The goats are lovely, I'm sure there'll be lots of tales to tell about them in the future. Duck is one meat I've never tried.

  4. I do love the girls and their names, also the turn of phrase re the Billy ha ah..made me laugh..... Busy week for you as usual...know what I'd find in your first aid box too..still laughing about that ...xx

  5. The girls look great, just a tiny bit jealous.

  6. Nice goats, and looking forward to reading about how you get on with them.

  7. Love the goats, good way to test your fencing! The duck looks like it's been well dressed.

  8. Your goats look fab, I'm sure they will settle in well for you. Dandelion wine sounds delicious x

  9. Love the first photo of the goats looking at you, little do they know they are going to be famous in blog land :)

  10. They're a nice pair and a practical cross too, so you have dual purpose animals. I'm looking forward to meeting them and returning your books etc.

  11. Sounds like hard but rewarding work Dawn.

  12. Lovely now I am green love goats - and if the Billy has done his job, milk for for making goats cheese one of my all time weaknesses. They will settle bless them. Lots happened to them in the space of few days they still have to find their feet. Lovely looking though. Take care. Pattypan x

  13. The goats look happy! Peapod wine always reminds me of The Good Life! xx


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