Saturday 26 September 2015

Gobble Gobble Gobble.......

I haven't really said much about the Turkeys, although they have a lot to say, I love the noise they make, they sound like Red Indians and all call out together in unison.
 They are getting to be a lovely size
 We haven't lost any of them, they are in good shape and very healthy
 Martin extended there run area today for them
They have been really easy to look after and put themselves to bed every evening.
While Martin was working on the turkey run, I was in the fruit garden
 weeding down the rows of Raspberries and any stray runners digging up and putting them in a row,
They have all had a top dressing of Alpaca manure, these raspberries have been with me for 18 years, and whenever we ave moved I have taken some runners with me, I have no idea what they are called, They have always fruited end of summer and provide a really nice fruit of a good size, I also have some Autumn fruiting ones there from Bovey Belle, now the rows are established we need to get some supports in place for them, before we build the fruit cage, we are picking some fruit off them but they are still young and were only planted in the spring, they will come into there own next year.
We had a measure up for a fruit cage the area is bigger than what I thought, 42ft x 16ft, if we are to stand any chance of getting soft fruit we will need to protect it with netting from the birds.
 The late planting of peas are now starting to flower, I am still hoping we get a crop from them
Crayfish, Martin set his trap during the week using the duck carcass left over from dinner as bait, he managed to get a haul of 25 American signal crayfish, dinner tomorrow evening sorted.
He has had a few hauls this year, the last lot were cooked up and in the freezer for a later date, he might just manage another couple of hauls this year before they go into hibernation.

Its been glorious sunshine today, ideal for spending outside and catching up on jobs in the garden, I picked some runner beans I am just about t pop them in the freezer, harvested another 6 cucumbers there are only two left on the plant now, picked the last courgette the plants are now spent, I have been taking some of the largest squashes off to give the others a chance to come on, the squashes I have sitting on the bench in the greenhouse for there skins to harden off, this way they will store better for use during winter. I have also been taking off the chillies as soon as they start to change colour and leaving them to ripen indoors.

That's all for now :-)


  1. I have just read your Blog title and of the present blog post and I'm terribly sorry to say this but Turkeys were not part of my imagination - thanks muchly for the laughter !!!!

  2. Wow - that's a lot of paca poo :) sigh - your garden's looking so neat...

    Any piquant peppers?

  3. Whoo crayfish ! Something I have never thought of.
    Will the peas be okay at really low temperatures?

  4. Glad the turkeys are doing so well. I think being free range is so much healthier for them than being cooped up.

    You will have some good pickings of fruit next year and I'm glad my raspberry babies have grown on well. I am having to fight the shield bugs for my raspberries at the moment!

    The signal crayfish make a very good meal and for free too!

  5. Lovely to see the turkeys looking so healthy and behaving themselves so well - your doing a fantastic job with them 😀

  6. Lovely to see the turkeys looking so healthy and behaving themselves so well - your doing a fantastic job with them 😀

  7. Dawn, those crayfish look wonderful - wich I was there to help eat them!

    Our raspberries, which are seven or eight years old, have done amazingly well this year - we are still picking a few and the freezer has one shelf full. They freeze well and make good crumbles and basis for a trifle in Winter.

    Oh yes, it is getting near to turkey time again.

  8. Your raspberries are so neat - mine are all in a clump, so one of this autumn's jobs is to sort them out into a neat row, with lots of support, and rabbit droppings/straw mulch.

  9. Your lovely plot is yealding loads for you, your hard work is paying you back.

  10. Yum crayfish! Your garden is looking so good, mine's a mess now. You inspire me to try harder!

  11. I have two raspberry plants that give fruit different times. I haven't a clue what to do but now you've mentioned runners I'm going to research what I need to do.

  12. Turkeys look great a few good meals there! We had our first frost this morning, the beginning of the end!

  13. Great job on the turkeys. I know they sometimes don't do well and die so you've done great.

  14. I would like to know more about Turkey Bedtime. Do they roost like chooks? :)

    I saw some turkeys at a chook auction and they were absolutely gorgeous, with copper coloured wings.

    Loving your blog, BTW.

  15. The turkeys look great! That's a critter that is still on our wish list. I love seeing how productive you've been. And the crayfish! I haven't had those since I lived in Louisiana. Used to eat lots of boiled shellfish down there.

  16. For the life of us we can't grow raspberries. We have tried several times, but the plants always fail. But I shall not give up. I shall try again. As for turkeys, I don't think we shall ever keep them here, the geese are enough! And crayfish? Never eaten one, and the thought of doing so makes me feel squeamish. Not sure why, maybe because a few years ago when the children were young, we spent a happy afternoon watching crayfish in a nearby lake. There were loads of them, but I felt quite put off paddling along the lake shore just in case they came and ate my feet! Perhaps that has put a dislike of them in my subconscious! Hope you enjoy yours though!

  17. I've never heard of anyone catching crayfish to eat before, do you need a few for a decent meal? I remember the kids catching them at Bolton Abbey but they put them back in the river.

  18. Where do you put your crayfish pots?!!!!

  19. The Turkeys look lovely and the picture of health :) the crayfish look fab too, I bet they made a tasty dinner!

  20. So glad to hear you are catching those pesky American crayfish. Turkeys are looking great.


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