Tuesday 28 July 2015

When You Need A Wheelbarrow

When you need a wheelbarrow to bring your garlic harvest you know you are doing something right,
The garlic has done fantastic this year and there is more than enough to see us through until the next harvest.
This batch is Purple Wight nice big firm bulbs
 These are Massidrome an elephant garlic ideal for roasting whole
 These are Eden Rose and every day garlic
All the onions garlic and shallots are drying off in the open fronted barn, along with some of the fleeces that are there.
I will keep some of the garlic and shallots for planting out end of the year for next years harvest, I still have another crop of onions and shallots to bring in, I don't think I will grow so many next year.
Also in today's harvest
22 Courgettes
Half a bucket of peas
Half a bucket of french beans
2 cabbages

Next week I am going to pull out some of the courgette plants from the tunnel, they are taking over like triffids and other things need space.
The lentils are flowering a very delicate lilac flower
And the chick peas are in flower a pea shaped white flower
I would like to grow more of the chick peas and lentils next year I am considering a second poly tunnel but we shall see.
The peas I am harvesting are an old fashion pea they grow about 7ft tall, I do like peas that grow tall, not those silly 2-3ft peas that have flooded the market because it suits commercial growers, I find the old fashioned ones don't all come ready at once crop for longer and don't succumb to mildew so easily, when you think about it you may as well use the space growing up rather than loads of rows of peas, I get the peas from Victoriana Nursery. 
I took advantage of today's sunshine and extended the Turkey run as well they growing really well, I love the noises they make, they may not be the most attractive bird but they are cute in there own way.
The past couple of days has see us have lots of rain, which has meant time indoors apart from the usual feed rounds and dog walking, I have spent my time spinning and preparing fleeces for spinning, also going through some boxes that have come from the shop, storage jars, tool boxes, cleaning products the end is in sight thank goodness.


  1. That's a lot of garlic! Well done. We're starting to become a bit bogged down with some of the veg too.....loads of courgettes, like you (I'm going to make the courgette bhajis today) and absolutely tons of carrots. Well, husband brought in 2 bucketfuls yesterday, the bulk of them have been layered in a box with dry compost, some I've cooked, mashed into puree with parsley & butter and frozen. It's a busy time of year.

  2. I had a good crop of garlic and plaited mine up last night (picked a couple of weeks back). I have 3 hanks of it, so one each for me and my daughters.

    Tam (eldest daughter) has a brilliant crop of peas from Real Seeds. She and some friends have got an allotment this year, so this is their first time growing anything and they are delighted. They were an old-fashioned pea I think - Lord Leicester if I remember correctly. I shall beg some seed from her and grow them next year.

    I am fascinated by your Lentils and Chick Peas. What an excellent idea - now you've trialled them, you can grow LOTS more next year.

    I imagine the Courgette harvest is keeping you busy!

  3. Fantastic harvest, makes it all worthwhile.:-)

  4. Wow, what a fantastic harvest!!!! You certainly are set for everything in the allium department aren't you! That really is wonderful! xx

  5. That is a great crop and should see you through till next season. I am intrigued by the lentils and chick peas, I use lots of both but do not have the room for a polytunnel, perhaps just a few chickpeas in the greenhouse next year. My garlic is up and dried but not enough to plait. I use at least 2 head a week so would not have space to grow and store enough for the year. I used to grow Purple Wight and will do so again next year.

  6. 22 courgettes! Good grief.
    Good thing you like garlic too!

  7. I'm really looking forward to the progress of your lentils and chick peas.

  8. You are really doing well with producing your own food..... you must be proud of your achievements because there is nothing quite as uplifting to the soul as seeing the harvest coming in.

  9. Fantastic harvest! I am disappointed with mine this year, but it has been very hot and dry and with water restrictions, only to be expected I guess. Still, it rained yesterday and my leek bed is ready for winter.


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