Friday 3 July 2015

Down In The Jungle

The poly tunnel is full to bursting and harvesting in earnest has started and is starting to resemble a jungle.

I remember Sue saying I was very generous with my plant spacing in the tunnel, well you wouldn't think so now, they have filled there allocated space.
I have been picking courgettes this one is called White Steel a heirloom variety
Tomatoes are coming on great just waiting for the to start changing colour now, this one is Russian Black a heirloom variety
 Melons are climbing this is an Italian one
 Cucumbers have lots of promise of whats to come
 Chillies and Peppers are progressing
 Aubergine are flowering and forming fruits
Mange Tout have such pretty flowers this one is an Heirloom variety and has red pods

The courgettes I picked in the morning I turned into noodles
 I kept some back for my dinner and the rest went into the dehydrator
 Packaged ready to use I will do some in chunks grated and slices so they can be used in different ways
 For my dinner I fried them up in olive oil and garlic with some chopped onion and had them with an omelet I had a couple of cracked eggs to use.
While the dehydrator was on I had a few apples sitting in the bowl that were starting to go soft
 so they went in as well as apple flakes
I have also been practising with my spinning
this was some Jacob Sheep roving's I had not perfect but I am getting better, I want to make a start with some of the Alpaca fleeces this week end.
I will post more about it on my craft blog later. Its all a learning curve.


  1. Dawn - Your veggies are looking wonderful - congrats :)

    Spinning alpaca - I can't do it. I'm hopeless!! My brain can;t get round the two different hand requirements. So I have asked a lady in town who spins if she would spin it for me...

  2. Your veg looks lovely and healthy. My courgettes leaves are a little yellow but I have three good courgettes.

  3. Our courgettes are outside and I've been watering everyday and cutting for eating and selling so how did I miss one turning into a GIANT marrow, must have been almost overnight!
    Our tomatoes are doing so well I can hardly get between the rows to water them, still green though and as for the cucs - absolutely rampaging! Sold several today

  4. Your stuff is still ahead of mine. I need to pot on quicker I think! I like the idea of courgette noodles, have you tried the cold courgette salad? That's what I'm most looking forward to I think!

  5. I miss my polytunnel - it was huge ! bigger than the garden I have now, but I am managing to eat out of the garden now, just small harvests, but it's coming along.

  6. It's all looking really good and healthy, I like the look of that heirloom courgette. We have been having our courgettes grated raw in salads.

  7. It's so interesting to see all your busy goings-on. The dehydrator seems such a good idea.

  8. I love this post! Dan and I have been talking about a greenhouse, which is years down the road. But a polytunnel is doable! Your post is a huge encouragement toward that, thanks!

    P.S. I love the Jacob yarn. :) Very designer looking.

  9. It's all looking very good :-)

    What do you think of your dehydrator we were just talking about them this morning and wondering if it would be worth our while to invest in one. Does storing homegrown things dehydrated work out better then simply blanching and freezing?

    Your yarn is gorgeous, you have so many strings to your bow (quite literally

  10. Ooops .... don't bother to answer my question, I've just read the preceding post :-)


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