Wednesday 15 July 2015

How Hot Is Yours

I was taking some grass cuttings off the compost heap today and the steam was rising, it has been hot for about about a week now so I took its temperature 
150F excellent this is the ideal temperature for killing off weed seeds bugs and other nasties
I turned the heap into the empty bay to get some air into it and bring the outside to the inside and vice verso, there was lots of heat coming off and steam
This heap wont be added to now, it will be left to do its own thing I will turn it a few more times.
Of course while I working with the compost heap who should pop up and start voicing an opinion
Lambert I dont think he approved of what I was doing as he likes to pop his head over and have a nibble at the grass cuttings on the heap.

Got the onions up today

There a few small ones and some really nice big ones, I need them to dry off now so they can be strung up, I still have another crop of onions to take up, I think we will have enough to see us through to next year.
A few more courgettes were picked
they now need harvesting every few days. There was some raspberries as well but I ate them while picking them.
There is mange tout and pakchoi to be picked but I am leaving them until tomorrow as I plan on having a stir fry tomorrow for dinner so want some fresh.

Its been a day of outside chores today, the sun has been shining a lovely day compared to the wet one yesterday, I cleaned out all 7 poultry houses they now have nice fresh bedding. Two loads of washing on the line and hoovered through downstairs. Deadheaded the flowers while chatting to a friend on the phone. 
All in all a good day :-)


  1. I read your blog regularly and am amazed at how much work you do on a daily basis. You must have boundless energy! I was noting today that you pulled up your onions already. My mom never pulled hers (you have to remember that was in the 1950s and 60s) until the green tops were already brown and dried. Then, after the dirt had dried and fallen off the onions, she braided them and hung them until they were needed. Different ways to get the same end results. Keep on writing such interesting blogs.
    Myra, from Winnipeg, Canada, where we are in the midst of a heat wave of 30+C temps and bright sunny skies.

  2. Nice harvest of onions.....we planted late but still should get a harvest before winter.

  3. I pulled my garlic up yesterday, it is very poor. I had never seen the variety before so it was an experiment. Next time it will be a tried and tested variety. I did not grow onions, lack of available space but will be growing shallots next year. My compost bins were late starting so I will not be turning them in a hurry. You had another busy day, I was in the garden for about 6 hours and my shoulders know about it.

  4. Great crop of onions, mine are pathetic in comparison thanks to the rabbits :-(

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who dead heads while chatting on the phone.

  5. I'm pleased with my onions. I'm pulling the rest up next week. I'm hoping to plait them and hang the in the workshop to store for the Autumn & winter.

  6. Great harvest, how long will they keep once dried?

  7. We leave our onions until they have died right back then fork them out rather than pulling, then leave them to dry somewhere,dry, hot and airy. Not a good crop this year, too dry again. I'm selling some because we don't have enough to last us through so by selling a few at 50p a bunch will cover the cost of buying some later.

  8. Those are great onions, really puts mine to shame. Lots of lovely courgettes too.


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