Sunday 19 July 2015

It Started With A Bang

Yesterday morning I was having a cuppa still in my dressing gown checking e-mails, Martin was pegging out the washing, the sun was shining and the birds were singing all lovely and peaceful.
Then suddenly and almighty explosion, my initial thought was Martin had fetched his shotgun and it had exploded. he came running in the house while I was frantically shouting him thinking he had been hurt.
Upon investigation
We found this 3 bottles of Elderflower champagne had exploded there was shards of glass all over the utility room and Martin had been in there minuets before emptying the washing machine, I dread to think how he could have been injured.
That was the start of the day but it got better thank goodness
The first of the heritage tomatoes was ready for picking they are a lovely size
 I am harvesting half a pound of Mange Tout every other day again another heritage variety yellow pods and a lovely purple flower
 I am blanching them and freezing on trays before bagging them
The broad beans harvested this morning, loads of them from 16 plants, I don't know the variety as they were from saved seed, I have left a couple plants in with mature pods so they can finish off maturing and will be used for saved seed again, the broad beans have been trouble free, no staking and no black fly. Some of the beans will be frozen and some dried. Poddd they weighed in at 6lb
Some of the peas are ready for harvesting  and I have been picking some of the french beans also courgettes are still coming thick and fast. There is beetroot and Swiss chard to be harvested today as well. No complaints from the veg garden this year, now I have some space in the raised beds I am getting in more peas, beetroot and spinach and I have some Kale, Brussels sprouts and broccoli to plant out.



  1. It's been a stressful few days for you. Hope there are no more problems coming your way any time soon.

  2. Oh my goodness, that must have been an awful shock for you hearing that noise, thank goodness no one was hurt even though you had a mess to clear up. The veggies all look and sound really great! xx

  3. Oh goodness what a shock that must have been & how lucky they didn't explode with your husband in the same room. I've got veg plants to put out & potatoes & broad beans to harvest. No courgettes yet though x

  4. Oh no!what rotten luck :( I think i would have keeled over!haha :D the veg looks great! xx

  5. Goodness.. I'm glad no one was hurt. My broad beans are a little on the small side. I only got 3 lbs of beans from the plants. Mine were very late and struggled. Some you win some you lose.

  6. I had a lot of ginger beer explode one year . I wad not home then thankfully. Let's hope things quiten down now hey .

  7. Hello Dawn.

    I've been reading your blog for a few months now and really enjoy it. Back in the late 1960s my parents had similar problems with some over-active ginger beer. They carefully carried the remaining bottles outside, swathed in old towels, and let them off under a pear tree.Self and big sister stayed safely out of the way inside, watching the ginger beer fountains.

    If you make veggie stock try adding some empty broad bean pods to it - the result is delicious. Sending care from Wellington, NZ,


  8. When we were first married (1966) we made some elderflower champagne, which exploded in our kitchen. Luckily we were in the other room at the time. When we investigated the damage we found shards of glass embedded in the walls and ceiling!
    just about to prick out the tops of my broad beans, spotted some blackfly yesterday.

  9. It happened to me years ago with some beer I made. I tthink we would have been hospitalised of we'd been in the room! Tomato looks good. Can't wait for ours to start to ripen.

  10. I don't make elderflower champagne for that very reason. If you do it again try bottling it in empty plastic sparkling water bottles, then if you see them bulging too much you can release some of the pressure and avoid catastrophe.

    I stick to elderflower cordial and have it with sparkling water if I want a bit of fizz, but of course it's non-alcoholic!!

  11. This happened to my mum - she had all her bottles in her wardrobe (don't ask!!) and as she was profoundly deaf, she didn't hear a thing. I DID THOUGH! It took a lot of clearing up. I'm glad Martin wasn't in the firing line.

    I take it you didn't - like mum - use corks? Not a criticism, bust an observation, as I know my mum used screw-tops . . .


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