Thursday 7 May 2015

Welly Good Day

When my granddaughter was here over Easter her wellies developed a leak so they got left behind I put them to use today,
I had a few young plants left over, nasturtiums lobelia and some geranium cuttings that have rooted have been popped into the wellies for a splash of colour.
When I opened the greenhouse this morning I was hit by a lovely citrus smell
the flowers off the carnivorous plants have started opening, the flowers are really big and last for weeks, they have a gorgeous lemony smell.
they are about 2 ft tall a lovely stunning plant.
In the poly tunnel there are flowers coming as well
The tomatoes are starting to produce flowers, thy are also producing lots of side shoots that I have been pinching out.
Strawberries are coming on 
not long now until they ripen.

Outside the potatoes are putting on lots of growth
they are all pushing up through the membrane, the ones that were left over I planted in the poly tunnel and they have just started to appear.
We are harvesting Purple sprouting broccoli and radish from outside, cabbage is not far off being ready to harvest and the leeks are thickening up as well, I will harvest some young ones.
I am shifting young veggie plants out to harden off during the day and bringing them in at night, next week I want t get peas, beans corn and squashes planted out.
So is well on the veggie plot. :-)


  1. Those willies are going to look amazing when all the plants flower. Jx

  2. Sorry!!! Typo!!!!!!!! Wellies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ha Ha! Jx

  3. What a fantastic pair of wellies for planting into!!! I am intrigued by the carnivorous plants, and hope to see more in the future! xx

  4. Oh Jan that gave me the biggest laugh of the day!!!

  5. Arhhhhh auto correct ! Jan that made me laugh!

  6. I keep meaning to that when my wellies spring a leak but I always throw them on the bonfire before I get round to it :-(

    Love the typo!!


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