Monday 25 May 2015

It Was Love At First Sight

Today we paid a visit to Farmyard Nurseries, what a wonderful place and only up the road from us as well, I spotted this and couldn't resist
What a handsome fella he is and I have just the place in mind for it
I consider it a bargain £39.99, I am now considering getting another one.
I love plants with large foliage and even better when they become large plants,
 this is another plant I purchased
Here it is growing in situ in the nursery
Stunning plant and lovely varigated markings 
Here are a few more plants I picked up

There is an area ear marked for these and I am working on it at the moment.
The Farmyard Nursery has a lovely woodland walk these areas I hope to incorporate in some way into my garden

If you are ever in the area pop in and visit them its a fantastic place and has a lovely little tea room in a log cabin that serves home made cake.
Its off the beaten track down a single lane road, the verges are full of wild flowers and Aqueliga
 and you pass through a farmyard with a very inventive recycled post box.
I will be returning very soon :-)


  1. What an amazing nursery!!! There can't many nurseries with great big gunnera's like that sale! My hubby would be very jealous of that, he loves gunnera's but we do not have the space for one! Sounds like a great weekend! xx

  2. I fell in love with the gunnera when I saw it in a hard fun in Cornwall it's size and presence was spellbinding.

  3. Lovely plants Dawn, too big for my plot but they will have room to shine in your garden. The woodland walk is a good idea.

  4. I too love large architectural plants, they really make a statement. Unfortunately I only have a tiny garden, at the moment anyway, but I dream big !
    That garden centre looks lovely, I'd love to go there, perhaps when I call and see you sometime ? you must let me have directions soon, I've been dreaming about Alpacas ever since you invited me over !

  5. It's a wonder they are able to make a living tucked away like that. I look forward to seeing the gunners installed. :-)

  6. Now that is a proper nursery, especially because it has a tea-room. I miss wandering round a nursery and then thinking about what I might like to buy while I have tea and cake......France doesn't 'do' combinations of tea-rooms and nurseries.

  7. I can exactly why you fell in love with it. :-)

    Once all around the house is done and dusted we will be moving our efforts into the woodland, taming a part of it for us to use a little bit more. I can see that some large plants would be very at home here, maybe we'll pop to Farmyard Nurseries for a look around one day ... well it would be rude not too if there is coffee and cake to be had ;-)

    Love the post box!!

  8. Looks just like the kind of place my mum would love with all those big leaved plants.

  9. That's one bag plant! It's beautiful. Great find.

  10. Isn't it a smashing place? I was looking at a Gunnera only last week (I think it was in their little shop at the back of the Market when I was looking at roses). You had a lovely spending spree there and what lovely plants you have to put in your garden. I love the sound of a woodland walk. I could do that in a corner of our paddock as we have a copse at the edge of that where the stream runs through. Mind you, as we intend moving, it isn't really worth the effort for me! I'm looking forward to seeing your garden when those are all planted.


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