Tuesday 19 May 2015

All Done For Another Year

13 bags of fleece to process
The shearing went well , we then had to get the Alpacas moved back into paddocks as the hail came down, First up was Daffodil what a fuss she made, screeching and spitting the others were so well behaved, and so Lambert didn't feel he was missing out he joined the party too

They didnt have the sheep shears with them so made do with the cutters they use on the Alpacas
Here are a load of photos of the Alpacas getting done

 Odd Job before
 Odd Job After

I am glad we only have to do this once a year, now we can get back to a normal routine. :-) 


  1. I love the photos. They remind me of my poodles , before being clipped they look big . When they are clipped you realise how little they are .

  2. oh my they look so funny! they are really quite scrawny when you get under the fleece aren't they? bless them that gave me my giggle for the day :)

  3. I didn't realize they had to be hog-tied and done laid out flat! You live and learn : ) I'm really looking forward to meeting you and them today. My order for sunshine appears to have gone astray though!

  4. It always amazes me, even with ours, how much fleece they have and how skinny they are after shearing... :)

    1. it was a bit of a surprise with our first shearing last year

  5. I am looking forward to seeing the walking pipe cleaners today, Odd Job doesn't look so skinny, in fact he has a tum just like mine.

  6. Goodness you don't realise how thick their fleece is! There are some alpacas in the field next to the one behind my house. x

  7. They look so different without their coats. All that lovely fleece, what do you do with it now?

  8. Our friend who shears sheep told us about having to sit on alpacas to shear them and I didn't believe him! ( He says he's NEVER doing an alpaca again!)

    1. once they are down they are usually very quiet

  9. Good job. Ive Gotta find someone to do the sheep soon!

    1. perhaps you will have to learn how to

  10. As you say, good job it's once a year, what a palaver! Great photos :)

    1. once a year is more than enough for me

  11. Those photos made me laugh! As people have said, they look so skinny and scrawny without their fleeces! I bet you're looking forward to processing their fleeces though. Do you spin it all yourself?

    1. I have been teaching myself to spin so that is the plan

  12. What a difference! Their long limbs make them look quite pipe-cleaner-ish indeed....and I was wondering what happens to the fleece now too?

  13. Your alpacas are adorable!!

    I would love to own a herd someday...

  14. Alpacas go from being cuddly teddy bears to being such skinny minnies don't they. It's always nice to get a once yearly job out of the way isn't it.


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