Thursday 14 May 2015

This & That

According to the weather man we were in for a day of downpours and high winds, he lied, we had some rain this morning and there was a breeze and the sun shone this afternoon and it all dried up.
I spotted popping up this afternoon
The Asparagus crowns I planted a few weeks back are springing into life of course we cant cut any of them, but its promise of future crops.
Other crops are coming on well
some of the Swiss chard will be ready for picking soon
Garlic is coming on a storm
Onions starting to bulb up
Cabbages are hearting up
There are young leeks ready for picking
Shallots are bunching
potatoes are emerging
Lots of promise of things to come, there is lots of other veggies coming along but I don't want to bore you with lots of veggie pictures
I picked a handful of radish to go with salad for my dinner, I did sow some more the other day, the next lot are a mix of red and white radishes.

This month we have sold £9 of duck eggs, not bad from two ducks.

This morning I had the electrician who did some work for us come round with the inspector, he needed to have some of his work checked so he could continue to issue certificates, I was happy for the work to be inspected, in return I had some work done for free.

Te other day I mentioned about Sol involving Kara in his ball game, I did a short video this afternoon of Sol with Kara for you to see
I throw the ball Sol runs to fetch it and drops it for Kara to bring back to me.

That's all for today :-)


  1. Oh Sol is a darling, how lovely. Love to see your plot so full and green.

  2. Lovely video, very touching, Sol is a gentleman. I think that we had your share of rain and wind, it finally stopped within the last hour.

  3. The veg patch is looking great, can't bore me with veg pics.

  4. Lovely to see the dogs getting on together and the vegetables doing so well. You won't go hungry.

  5. That was a really lovely video and as Pam said quite touching . The gardens look verdant and beautiful . Sol is a darling and he and Kara look very happy in each other's company , lovely to see.

  6. Your veg patch is looking great x

  7. Awww, bless Sol. He gives Kara a little look after he's dropped the ball as if to say "There you are". It's lovely that they've settled well together. Leeks already? I'm still waiting for mine to thicken up a bit so I can get them planted out.

  8. What a cute video. And a dog named Sol makes it all the better.


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