Saturday 9 May 2015

Plant Fair and Bee Auction

Another busy day on our welsh mountain, today we planned to go to the Bee Auction that was organised by the local bee keepers association, we have never been to a bee auction before so didn't know what to expect, on the way we popped into the plant fair at the village hall, there wasn't much I didn't all ready have some carnivorous plants caught my eye 

I got these two to add to my collection, stunning colours and they compliment mine that is a zesty lime colour
mine need dividing as do the two I have bought, I do have other carnivorous plants when I split them and re-pot I will do a post on them.
It was then off to the bee auction, it was held in a village hall, there were bees to be auctioned off but they were not at the hall, they had been checked by the bee inspector and were fit for sale, the hall was crammed with bee keeping equipment

Frames, hives, smokers, excluders and loads of other stuff, we got talking to a member who introduced us to another bee keeper who lives across the valley from us, we have her contact number as she has a couple of swarms from last year to sell, we stayed for the start of the auction just to get a judge on the prices that things were going for, there was nothing we were after on this occasion, it was good to make some contacts. 
We did pick up a form to join the local bee keepers association.
Next week-end is the Smallholders show at Bluith Wells we are planning a trip there although we havent decided what day yet, is anyone else planning a visit.


  1. I would love to go to the Smallholders show - never managed to get there due to having a smallholding!!

    1. we are trying to make an effort to go out and about more and the odd day out dosent harm as we wont be having a holiday this year either :-)

  2. We are planning to go next Sunday. Never been before so we're looking forward to it.

    1. It looks like Saturday is the day we are going :-)

  3. The first flower just made me think of Audrey 11, even though it is the wrong colour. I have never been to a Smallholders show, perhaps I will see about going.

    1. Its a good day out, dogs are welcome but they are not allowed into the buildings and leaving them in cars is banned, there is a dog show as well :-)

  4. I was thinking of getting a carnivorous plant some years ago to help with flies in the summer - are they difficult to grow and do they help to keep the fly population down?

    1. very easy to grow, use rain water only stand the pot in a dish with some gravel and water dont use and plant food :-)

  5. A 'Bee Auction' sounds like a really quirky way to spend a morning. I'm glad that you were able to make some contacts. Jx

    1. Its great making local contacts for lots of things :-)

  6. I never heard of a bee auction!!! It all makes sense when you stop to think about it, but it just never occurred to me before. I hope that you will enjoy your beeing activities as and when! xx

    1. Bee auction was new to me as well :-)

  7. I used to go to the Smallholders' Show regularly, with Barbara, who used to run the PO in your village. Then my husband and I started going to the Builth Antiques Fair instead and that took over. I know you will enjoy it, lots to see there.

    Your Triffids look great!

    1. We did go a few years back when we were looking at moving to Wales we always went to the show in Ardlingly Sussex before :-)


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