Friday, 21 October 2016

Reclaiming Hedgerows

The hedgerows here all need reclaiming, many years of neglect means they have become tree lines instead of hedgerows, its a long job and it will be a couple of years before they are proper thick hedges again, offering shelter to wildlife and protection from the wind, wind blows through trees but is filtered and lessened through hedges.

 As you can see they have been shaped by the wind over the years and hang into the garden, some are very unstable
We have take on a young local man to help with this work, we did the hedge line down the front garden last Autumn and the hedge at the bottom of the garden the Autumn before, as we are taking on more land there is a lot of hedge work to do.
 A lot of brush wood to be got rid off, the Alpacas and goats are doing there bit eating off the leaves
 We do get a good amount of logs as well
 The hedge is starting to take shape, all the rubbish has to be cleared out and I have some willow I have been growing on from cuttings I am going to use to plug gaps.
 This big Ash at the end of the line has to be taken down, its on a very unstable raised area of the hedge, if it was to come down it would take out power cables and also my cabin.
There is evidence on the other side were some has come down in the past, not a risk I am willing to take.

 There is so much more light in the garden now and we get the early evening sun, the spindly bits that are still standing are going to be layered into the hedge line.
Today I want to get up the top fields and get more trees planted, I love trees and dont really like taking them down but sometimes needs must. I just have to keep planting trees to replace them and more.

Friday November 19th 1982
Rained all day, John and Lawrence finished fence up the side of the shed and the drive. John carried on with washing machine, tried to trace stop cock, unearthed pipes outside the house. Connected everything except the cold water.
Rubbed down small metal cabinet, then used some paint stripper on it.


  1. Wow. That's a job and a half for you but at least you have some help. Loving the stash of logs! There are a couple of trees in our garden that need to come down as they are just too tall. I like trees, too, but too many were planted in our garden, like lots of other stuff. But I'm pleased the area where the chicken enclosure give natural shade in the summer where the trees are over the back but sunlight gets in at the front part. Don't think it is a job we can get to before Spring.

    1. Autumn winter are the best times to get the work done before the birds start nesting

  2. What a wonderful blog, it looks great, hedgerows are so important to us all. Woo xx

    1. Thank you, I do like a nice looking hedgerow

  3. I do envy your drive and determination. I think its all quite wonderful.

    1. It is get the job done while we can and are able

  4. Hard work but fantastic that you are getting it done-x-

    1. yes is hard work lucky to find some one local who can come up and help

  5. It's great to plant trees and leave your legacy, the hedges will all come back and look much better for the work you have done.

    1. The two hedges we first did are now looking great

  6. Don't envy you that job, at least you will get a load of logs at the end of it.

    1. Oh yes a good load of logs for next winter

  7. I use to give my goats and cattle Ivy when we cleared anywehere. It's a fine tonic for them.

    1. They all like to have the off cuts its a great way of cleaning it down for burning and the goats like to strip some of the bark

  8. You've done well done so far but will have your work cut out when you get going on your new land. Cutting and laying it where possible is the best thing as it soon thickens up into a stock-proof fence. Keep up the good work. Will try and get the apples to you tomorrow or Sunday as I am off to Southampton all next week to see my poorly friend.

    1. I am home all week end, feces and hedges we need a lot of


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