Saturday 29 October 2016

The Secret Life Of Dove's

I mentioned the other week we have had Buzzard attacks on the Doves and we now have them confined to quarters for a while
 Its very difficult to sex doves and I thought we had 4 remaining males Martin has been making enquiry's for some suitable wives, I was wrong it seems 
The other day I noticed courting behaviour and then a pair mated, overjoyed we have a female,
Two days later an egg was laid, you can just see it in front of the dove, doves usually lay 2 eggs then start the incubating process,
 Two days later another egg appeared but in the middle pop hole you can just make it out at the back
 Yesterday I was watching this behaviour, one of the males picking up bits of straw,
 parades around with it
 ten takes it to his pop hole but he lives in the bottom pop hole no eggs there 
I know he is a male because he parades with his wings down, females don't do this, I am now trying to work out how many of each I have, as they all look the same its very difficult, unless they parade then they don't all do it at once. 
Now we just have to wait and see what happens, at least with the netting over them the Magpies cant get in to steal eggs or young if they manage to hatch any. Like pigeons dove's will lay all year round and I think the demise in the flock numbers have spurred them on a bit. I takes 15 days of sitting to incubate.
Tuesday 23rd 1982
Mr Coates came with man about hay, mostly all bales well underweight, went home to talk it over with his wife. John phoned Eva re VAT book then VAT office about working out VAT percentage ( total x3 divided by 23) 
John fixed wood on shed ready for fixing corrugated sheets on to.
Then walked round to check sheep.
Put red oxide paint on small meta cabinet with two drawers.
Molly's Birthday.



  1. Lovely.....can't wait to see baby doves-x-

  2. Fingers crossed for you flo k to grow

  3. So it looks like a case of 'watch this space' - quite exciting for you.

  4. Sweet! What do you call a baby dove?

  5. Hope there's no cold snap for them then! It's looking like my late hatched chicks will survive as they're growing quickly, it amazes me how late things can hatch and still have a chance!

  6. I hope that the male gets the idea of building the nest in the right place and that you soon have some baby doves!

  7. Good that the doves are reproducing and are safe from predators now. Too bad they have to be restricted but better that than the alternative. Hope you get lots of baby doves.

  8. Hope your doves are able to get their eggs hatched, and hope the predators don't cause any problems.

  9. Ooh, I could just see the eggs, how exciting. I hope they hatch and stay safe xx

  10. I love to see this, fingers crossed for chicks soon

  11. so you might be hearing little chirps before christmas? fingers crossed that they hatch something for you so the flock can build its numbers back up


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