Sunday 2 October 2016

Autumn Harvests

Its time to start winding down the growing year, although with the glorious blue sky and sunshine today its very tempting to leave things growing, but I know if I do in a few weeks the weather could be terrible and I will have to work in the cold and wet. i know which I prefer.
First up was the beans, 
Still growing still producing flowers, but it is time they came out, 
this 8ft row of 12 french plants has produce a vast mount of beans this year, I did 6 of the purple podded and six of green pods, first I picked a crate of beans
I didn't clean down the plants, after filling the crate any beans left were fed to the goats with the foliage,
Next year we wont grow french beans, we have enough put by to see us through and I still have these to deal with, we have given a fair amount away to family to and friends too.
Next up was the Chilies, there was 9 plants grown
I had 41/2 lb in the trug, I have 4 plants hanging up tat still need there chilies picking, 
The Piquant peppers are still ripening I did pick another couple today and there is sweet peppers still ripening although I picked a few today
one of the black peppers a large one that is just changing from green and this humongous red one that I found hiding
11ozs it weighed, its the biggest pepper I have ever grown
The spent mushroom arrived last week
 Six bags went into this bed that was cleared the other week,
 It has now been covered over and put to rest over winter, it will be the first bed to be put to work in spring.
I also cleared out the tomato plants, picked the last 5lb of tomatoes
I have battled with blight most of summer 
I pulled a couple of parsnips to see how they are coming on 
 Along with a few sweet potatoes
 A meal in itself this parsnip
We are having roast parsnips, sweet potatoes and potatoes for dinner tonight along with pork chops.
 I have made a start with some of chilies, a sweet Thai Chili sauce
 and a couple of jars of pickled chilies.
Tomorrow will be another day sorting out the harvests.
Clearing plants and preparation for the end of season continues,
Yesterday I had a great day at the craft fair, sold so much stock, couldn't be happier.

Tuesday 9th November 1982
Got rest of the flock in, drenched and feet trimmed about 55 of them, used commodore to save Johns back.
About to mark with S and the broke in with the rest of flock, what a mess up, got to dark to sort them out again.
Wrote to mother, Cheryl phoned, enjoyed there week end with us.
Rep from Fisions called.
Coates phoned to say hay payment was £80 adrift.
Kittens spent day in hay barn.
Darned another couple socks.






  1. Your roast vegetables looks delicious! :)

  2. Busy time all round, I spent ages in our garden, a sunny warm day is a bonus this time of year.

  3. Pickled chillis look great! I love the winding down of the garden in a weird way. I hate to see it all end but then I just keep thinking of all the things I'll do differently next year! Are you goign to dry your beans for eating?

  4. Dawn, I am learning so very much from your blog. Most sincere thanks for writing it! I really really appreciate all you write about. Thank you 😊

  5. Wow that pepper is a moster! The weather here today is bright, clear and sunny but quite chilly. I plan on doing a few jobs outside today but need Jon's help to get the area for the fruit trees sorted. I might have a sneaky look at the sweet potatoes...

  6. No depletion of energy levels there then.

  7. Busy as usual Dawn! I purchased a steam juicer just before daughters wedding and am just using it for the first time with rose hips so hope all goes well!! x

  8. What a lovely harvest you have had! As for 'winding down', we never really got 'wound up' this year because of various other things which happened!

  9. Oh wow, cracking harvest. What a nightmare for the diary - breaking in with the rest of the flock after trimming etc!

  10. My tomatoes all got blight and I lost the lot. My total crop that I got to eat amounted to two cherry tomatoes : ( I had so many plans for doing things for the winter with tomatoes. Next year!

    My oca is looking good.

  11. Blimey - you are having bumper crops from everything Dawn, and dealing with it too by preserving it in different ways. I have Pepper envy now! You will have to show me where I go wrong as I never do well with the couple of plants I have had in pots in the greenhouse. You won't be going hungry this winter.

  12. Fantastic results Dawn you really are green fingered. I'm still picking tomatoes though.


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