Wednesday 26 October 2016


It has been a odd few days, totally thrown out of my routine,
Martin went back to work last Friday morning came home again on Sunday night went away again yesterday morning,
I hope this week end sees us getting back into a routine.
On this last short home tour he managed to replace the window in the chicken shed

We still had the old caravan windows from the caravan that was here when we moved in, he cut the glass from the old windows and now they have a nice new weather proof window, just needs some curtains I think, the old window was plastic and had got blown in several times last winter with the high winds.

 I made up a big pot of soup with end of season veg
It has a bit of everything including some of the home made chorizo
I have secured another order from a shop 
This time for some terry towelling Welsh bibs I have designed.
Today I was tarting up some display stands for my stall
 They needed a fresh lick of paint, they do get a bit battered being loaded in and out the car all the time.
We are getting ready for some new arrivals due to join us soon.
Hedge lines are still being worked on.
 The weather is still being good, yesterday I went out and met up with a group of ladies from a social media sewing group I belong to, we all live about an hour away from each other 
A lovely get together we are arranging to meet up in January.
In case your wondering I am second from the left.
P.S. It seems we might have a female dove after all, I saw two of them mating yesterday.
Sunday November 21st 1982
Lucky had calf Bracken 1-30am, finally came indoors at quarter past three, all went well with calf and Lucky doing fine.
 Slept until 10am, went out to see calf, looking lovely.
John had another look at Jimmies foot, could not find anything wrong, brought all cows in, weather foul wind and rain.
John connected cold water to washing machine after turning water off at meter at the top field.
Molly and Douglas went home, I drove up to check welsh mountain sheep, found one carcass, radioed John to come up.
Mother phoned for about 20 mins.





  1. I'm sure you'll do well at your Fayre. The bib looks great, can't wait to see the range of things you'll be doing.

    1. I have added a lot of new lines this season

  2. Love your bib, can you let me know how much with postage, if you are happy to make and post one to me. Lucky you to find a sewing group, would love one local to me.

  3. I really want to know who Douglas and Molly
    That bib is gorgeous-x-

    1. I want to know too, I have been asking around but so far no news

  4. All sounds to be progressing nicely. Nice to see what you look like!

  5. Replies
    1. It feels like the calm before the storm


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