Wednesday 8 June 2016

Someone Laid An Egg

Today when feeding the doves I spotted this on the ground 
A broken egg under the dovecot inside the netting,
I keep doing a head count and only six are out and about 1 seems to be sitting inside, is she sitting on a nest ? is she the only she ?
just over a another week then we can take the netting off.
I have spent the day grass cutting
Strimming around the vegetable area

I struggle to get the big petrol strimmer started, last week I got myself an electric one it just means I have to use extension leads, at least I can keep on top of it all now.
I just have the fruit cage to do and the area were the nut trees are, as long as I can stop weeds re-seeding I will be happy.
While I was having a cold drink I was looking at Martins ride on mower
after having a fiddle around with the controls I got it started
and set about cutting the lawn, it was good fun driving round and round, just need to rake up the cuttings, the collection box wasn't fitted to the mower, will have to get Martin to show me how to use it, now I can cut the lawn its one less job for Martin to do at the week end when he is home. Grass cutting is a never ending job that has to be done, keeping the grass down helps to reduce weeds and midges, I hope.
Next I have to learn how to drive the tractor and use the topper then I can do the fields. 
We had rumbles of thunder all afternoon and the sky darkened i thought we were in for a down pour, when out walking Sol it started spitting and by the time we got home it had stopped, it amounted to nothing, it has been so muggy and hot at night I have set the fan up in the bedroom and last night slept under a sheet, it was nice to have cool nights sleep.





  1. Good on you for taking on all the lawn and edges! A big job for sure, but always looks amazing when it's done :)

  2. I need to do some grass cutting here. The lawn is like a jungle but I've just been so busy! Your veg gardens are looking good!

  3. We had just a few spots of rain last night, it's dark and muggy here this morning. Don't envy you with so much grass.

  4. Your thunder sounds like ours - went all round us but only dropped a few spots of rain here. And we really could do with a good rain - I am sure you could for those lovely veg.

  5. Well done! Another feather in your cap. We looked like rain when it went all misty last night but nothing. Hot already here so not looking forward to cleaning out the chicken house - may leave it until later this afternoon when hopefully a bit cooler. I need to strim around the Poly House and strawb patch. I, too, felt quite chuffed when this became a job I didn't need to ask Jon to do.

  6. Looks like you've been busy Dawn. Shame you didn't get a thunderstorm. We had one two nights ago and it was lovely, gave the garden a good water and cleared the air a little for my hay fever, although it's just as bad again now. The doves are beautiful xx

  7. Busy as usual Dawn! We need rain everything is too dry.

  8. Really humid here although for most of yesterday we were surrounded a mist rolling off the sea..very strange! Good work of the cutting and wonder what the doves have been up to. Our nearby collared doves are nesting too so you never know....

  9. I think you will really love doing the mowing, I know I do. You can always go over it again to mulch up the grass cuttings, that's what I do, we have way too much to pick them up. Also, I have trouble starting the gas powered weedwacker. Hate to admit this but every time I try to pull it I pee myself. I know, ghastly! Now I either wait for my husband to start it or it doesn't get done. Your doves are beautiful, can't wait to see them when they are out of the netting.

  10. Ha! I used to ride an old ride on mower when we had loads of orchard to was quite scary ducking under all the branches of the trees as the speed control wasn't up to much on the mower! Maybe one day I'll need to do it again...but not here at Little Winter. Good nights sleep...what's that? Hot, muggy, and having drunk copious amounts of elderflower cordial during the day needing a little trip across the landing makes for restless nights at the moment. x

  11. Riding the ride on mowers is great fun isn't it! I have only done it a couple of times - we don't have one here - and I enjoyed it, although I didn't like being told to do straight lines, I wanted to mow in swirls!!

  12. Lovely post. Doves are amazing. Veggies and fruit are looking like they're going great guns. Thumbs up!


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