Tuesday 14 June 2016

Sod's Law

We had eggs due to hatch from Sunday on
we have had broody after broody this past month or so, after the disasters with putting eggs under the broodies I decided to leave them in the incubator this time,
I popped one of the broodies into the little brood house on a couple of dud eggs planning to pop the chicks under her as they hatch,
next day she decided she wasn't broody any more.
Not to worry I replaced her with  another broody,
she sat in place Sunday the first three eggs hatched, when we went to take the chicks out she wasn't broody anymore.
I popped them in the bottom oven of the Rayburn to keep warm while we set up the heat lamp.
number 4 joined them this morning
Here is number 5 just about to join the others 
the first 3 to hatch out were from our own eggs,
we had 6 that we bought from the smallholders show they are suppose to be Sussex Light, 2 were duffs when I candled them leaving 4 and we have had 2 hatch from them, still have 2 in the incubator will leave them a couple of days before switching off.
Its been a couple of days of showers, I have been working away in the cabin, too wet to do anything outside, 
The Alpacas are booked for haircuts next Monday
They will be pleased to get rid of there winter coats, they are constantly rubbing and scratching and rolling in dust baths, defiantly feeling uncomfortable.





  1. I hate when that happens to a broody - last year I bough some eggs and by the time I got home she'd gone off being broody!

    1. Another has gone broody now but I have resigned myself to raising them :-)

  2. The results of your time in the craft cabin have been lovely! Hope the alpaca haircuts go well!

    1. I am looking forward to getting all the haircuts done its a new shearer we have coming :-)

  3. Sorry you didn't have too much success with your boughten eggs. Or with your broodies come to that. We had a Silkie who was a brilliant mother, and a couple of the Black Rocks we had were sit-tight broodies too. I hope you can hatch some more of your home-grown eggs.

    1. think this will be that last lot this year we shall see :-)

  4. Sorry to read about the broody fail :( but I'm glad you have a back up plan :) we have one light Sussex girl Whitey ( 5yo named her lol ) and she is just the best! Super curious personality! Enjoy yours :)

    1. it always pays to have a back up plan :-)

  5. Can't wait to see the alpacas when they have had their hair cut.

  6. if only you could get the alpacas to go broody, think of the number of eggs you could slip under one of them!

  7. What will you do with the fleeces?

    1. I am still spinning last years, I might put some of the carded fleece up for sale this time :-)

  8. I hope your eggs hatch and you have more chicks.

    1. Only the five the other two hadnt formed properly so far this year we have only managed 7 new additions :-)


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