Thursday, 23 June 2016

Down The Drain It Goes

Its such a shame to be throwing the goats milk down the drain
For five days we have to withdraw the milk and throw it away,
 why ?
The goats were wormed on Monday and there follows a five day milk withdrawal period, its classed as unfit for consumption because the medication can be passed over in there milk, 
I am not taking chances and will follow the vets advice.
Never mind two days to go then we are on to using the milk again.
Lucky I have plenty of there milk in the freezer, just taken some out this morning to defrost ready for tomorrow and Saturday.
In the goat house I get a chance to watch these little cuties develop and grow
The Swallows set up home in the corner of the goat house we have seen it grow from a few lumps of clay watched mama bird sit on her eggs 
and little bundles of fluff emerge to a new generation,
I do enjoy watching the swallows catching there food on the wing, although there is not as many about this year.
Talking of nests 
 In the dovecot in one pop hole is three eggs they are not being sat on though so we will take them away
 In another this dove is sitting sometimes on the egg sometimes not, and has built a sort of nest, they are only young birds so I don't think they have got the hang of it yet.
This is were they tend to hang about, from what I was reading, the males sit on the eggs during the day and the female at night, when they hatch young they feed them a milk that they regurgitate the milk then becomes more solid as the chick grows and contains seeds, until it can handle solid food.
I don't think I will be incubating eggs, too much involved let the birds get on with it.
Now there is more on incubation, next door had a fox attack the other night several were taken along with a broody that was sitting on eggs, neighbour brought the eggs to me to pop in the incubator, we don't know if they will make it, there was four in total.
One of mine has gone broody I have popped two of the eggs under her and two in the incubator, she is still sitting tight so I am going to pop the other two under her, if the developing chicks have survived they are due to hatch on the 6th or there abouts. 
I am hoping a couple of them will make it we will have to see.
 tomorrow is now shearing day we don't have rain on the horizon so I hope it all goes ahead, lots of shearing photos to post tomorrow.
No Imogen is not stuck a whole field of lovely grass and she want the scruffy bits growing on the driveway.
Off to vote now thinking of staying up for the count, this is the one vote I am really interested in and fairly excited about.






  1. Withdrawn milk - I put mine in the freezer to save for making soap!

    1. Thanks I will save the last couple of days and pop it in the freezer and have a go at soap :-)

  2. Imogen is funny isn't she!! I guess the grass is always greener...

  3. It's all happening in bird world at your place. Haven't voted yet. Just come in from a few jobs and having a coffee but will probably go after lunch as I literally only have to go across the road.

  4. I shall be staying up tonight too Dawn. I don't normally but I am excited to get an idea of how things are going to go-x-

    1. I managed to stay up until the the first 4-5 counts were in then I had to go to bed busy day was in the offin :-)

  5. Animals are like humans, the harder something is to get the better it is. We have had so much rain here on the coast there is flooding in so many places I've never seen before.

    1. we have escaped the rain and storms thank goodness :-)

  6. Aw - I feel your pain at having to throw away anything, never mind milk...!

    Yup, our alpacas also always want the grass on the other side of the fence.

    1. yep no matter how lush they want something else

  7. We've voted. We have 3 working days ahead so no chance of me staying up - mind you, if I go to bed or not the result will still be the same tomorrow! I shall be watching the news in the morning though.

    Love your Swallows' nest. We have half or dozen or so in the barn and the cart shed rooves. I try and keep out of those buildings whilst they are hatching and feeding, but may try and get a peep at how they are doing.

    1. I cant keep out of the way its right above were I do the milking it hasnt put the birds off I just have to watch out for low flying feathers

  8. Typical of Imogen to want what was the other side of the fence.
    Gorgeous swallows - aren't they pretty?

    1. I love there yellow mouths always lok like they are smiling

  9. Does frozen milk taste the same when thawed? Curious!

    1. The milk tastes just the same as fresh

  10. We had to throw away our cow's milk after they were wormed too. Felt quite pained at the waste. Fortunately we had some stored milk which kept us going. Cows not in milk now, but I have defrosted some frozen cow's milk and it turned out as good as the day it went into the freezer.

    1. Thank goodness its not too often although I might look and see if there is alternatives

  11. When I was living in Ohio for graduate school there were a lot of mourning doves and they would build nests, lay eggs and then disappear. I felt so sad for the little eggs just sitting there out in the open. Nature can be harsh in its lessons.
    Beth P


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