Sunday 19 June 2016

Please Release Me Let Me Go ........

The other morning I finished up my jam making with some Raspberry jam, using the raspberries that I found in the bottom of the freezer.

 5 jars of yummy jam, Raspberry jam has to be my favorite.
There was a bit of jam left over not enough to fill a jar,
I had already taken out a tub of goats cream from freezer had other plans for it, change of mind I turned it into Raspberry ice cream.
Yesterday was release day for the doves, Martin took the netting off in the morning so they could fly free
They had a bit of a fly around checking out the trees and buildings around them, then spent most of there time hanging about in the garden, its lovely seeing them fly free.
They are defiantly laying eggs, there is some in the pop holes and yesterday Martin picked one up off the ground
We had a trip out yesterday to the Game Fair, the weather was good, Sol had a great time clearing up any dropped bits of food, he is not fussy the only thing he turned his nose up as was a bit of squished peach.
We watched some of the display's Martin got a few bits he was after and I got a new unusual plant more on that in my next post.
Dinner last night was a quick throw together stir fry
Using veg from last years harvest that was in the freezer and bean sprouts I did during the week, I also added the green chick peas to it, we had it with the burgers I made the other day.
Some-one asked what the green chick peas are like, I tried one raw, best way to describe it is a cross between a pea and green hazelnut, there was a bit of a nutty taste, very tasty.





  1. I must look out for green chick peas Dawn - they sound interesting. If you look at my today's post you will see a chick pea salad recipe.
    It must be lovely to have doves flying around.

    1. WoG - I can also recommend drained, canned chick peas dressed with dried garlic flakes and salt to taste, with olive oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice. I'm salivating just typing this lol

    2. I have never seen green chick peas for sale I think it might be something you have to grow yourself.

  2. Nothing I love more than the brainy looking chick peas. As you say, cross between pea and nut tasting, and my first attempt at growing them I didn't have a great harvest, but I have high hopes for this coming summer... 😉

  3. The jam looks delicious as does the stir fry. I do love a good stir fry.
    Lovely to see the doves free now-x-

  4. I don't know which I like more, strawberry or raspberry jam. Probably which ever I am eating at the time. Ben likes to hoover his way round places, as long as he doesn't get mustard he doesn't leave much behind.

    1. Sold dosent mind mustard providing its on meat :-)

  5. I love raspberry jam, and that looks absolutely delicious. I like most jams but there is just something special about home made raspberry jam. The doves are beautiful, I expect they were very happy to be able to fly around but they obviously love to be home too. I hope they hatch an egg or two. You might have to buy another dove house!

    1. It would be nice for them to hatch a few

  6. Loving the look of the ice cream. Nom nom!

    1. Its lovely to have ice cream made from our own produce its still in the freezer and will proberbly be there until we have visitors

  7. Sow hat do the doves bring in besides pretty birds? Not that that isn't enough mind ya but dot hey do something else?

    1. Pretty birds yes, I am thinking ahead a bit and hope to hire them out occasionally for weddings and funerals, dove releases are becoming more popular, soon we will start taking them out to be released and they they can fly home, just a little pocket money idea and yes they look good in the garden :-)

  8. Maybe one day I'll share the tale of "Oh me raspberries"...x

    1. You will have to now you have intrigued

  9. Are you going to eat and cull the doves? I'm imagining a sense from early River Cottage now where he shoots them off the roof!

    1. If we had to control numbers yes we would cull and eat them although only the breasts are worth having I have no issues with that.

  10. The doves are beautiful! Are you going to incubate the eggs? Can you eat them or hatch them yourself? Your jam looks beautiful!

    1. You can eat the eggs although they are only small, I dont intend to incubate them, they can do that themselves any we find n the ground have been going to Sol he is partial to raw egg.

  11. hello,
    your raspberry jam looks delicious. i grow autumn raspberries in my garden.
    have a nice week,


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