Tuesday 1 December 2015

The Final Countdown

Last night for dinner we had some of the venison chops with sweet potato and oca mash
I found a recipe on the web for doing venison chops with mushroom sauce, it was very tasty and we will be having it again, I did have a big box of mushrooms for £1 from the fruit and veg wholesaler 
This what is left of them after we have 4 meals from the box.
I will knock up a batch of mushroom soup and the rest will probably go into the dehydrator.

Now remember this Clotted Cream bargain I got 1kg for £1
 we used some of it with scones and jam at the week end
I have been making truffles with what is left, a very simple recipe 100g of chocolate with 70% solids melt and mix in 225g of clotted cream, leave in the fridge to go cool, roll into balls 
I then rolled some in cocoa powder, some in chocolate bits and some in chopped pecans,
Tomorrow I will make up another batch, the recipe says they can be frozen so I will pop the in the freezer until Christmas, I was going to do some fudge with some of the cream but I have another recipe for fudge I will do. These will make up nice little gifts.

Leigh was asking about making clotted cream at home yes you can details HERE

We have had a day without rain today and the ground is drying up but not for long we have more coming, I am just finishing up the last of the craft orders, my order book is now closed.
I have my last craft fair to do this Saturday, then I have a few finishing bits to do on Christmas gifts.
Then that is me done, next on the Calendar is Turkeys, only a few weeks to go.
Out of our chickens hatching this year an abysmal 4,  3 are Cockerels they are destined for the table and 1 hen, she has just started laying just in time I thought I would have to buy eggs, the hens we bought in are just about to come in lay, the ducks have just stopped laying.

Its defiantly wind down time now, the end of year is in sight.


  1. My wife loves my wind down time, which is just now getting into gear. I started doing inside household chores again. She is all about that!!!

  2. The venison chops in mushroom sauce looks delicious. Such bargains for all those mushrooms and the clotted cream. Home made truffles too. Oh my! my mouth is watering. Enjoy!

  3. 2016 will be here before we know it. My late father always made us laugh around the Christmas table. The minute he finished his dinner hw would exclaim ' well that's it for another year'. Love the truffles. Both the cream and mushrooms were absolute bargains at a £1.

  4. Yum - venison! We always have venison casserole on Christmas Eve. So tasty! Mind you, ours has to come from the butcher. I bet you're enjoying your wind down time. You certainly deserve to recharge the batteries!

  5. That's a great way to use up the clotted cream, I'm sure everyone will be delighted with the truffles. Wow, just a pound for all those mushrooms, you did very well there.

  6. oooohhhh I adore clotted cream! I'm so very jealous, and those truffles look divine.yum!
    I've never tried venison,I must pop to the butcher's and see if I can find some. I dont get a chance to wind down yet, there are so many things on at the community centre then I have to start planning next years garden :) xx

  7. Never made truffles they do look good. Glad to hear your crafting is giving you a break before Christmas, sounds as if you have everything in order.

  8. Wind down time indeed Dawn - and that is just what we need when there is so little daylight. I am glad to say that my freezer is bursting with Christmas fare and my second freezer is full of stuff from our garden, so I am relaxing after today.

  9. Venison isn't really my thing, but gosh, the truffles and cream certainly would be! xx

  10. We are winding down here as well...and it is a grand feeling! Thanks for the link on how to make clotted cream, and one year (not this one) I shall have a go at making truffles!

  11. My mil is from Devon and always made her own clotted cream back in the days before homogenisation when milk came with cream at the top of the bottle. She made it in a pyrex bowl set over a very slow simmering pan of water.

  12. Thank you for the link about the clotted cream! That's a different technique but it looks pretty simple so I'll have to try it with goat cream next summer. The truffles sound particularly good and festive.


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