Monday 3 August 2015

Just Ticking Along

We had a lovely week end with our friends who came to stay, they travelled here by motorbike it took them 6 hours, they had a great ride and the weather was kind to them.
It was there first visit, there was lots and lots of catching up, we took them to New Quay on Saturday after a stroll on the beach with Sol we had fish and chips and sat on the harbour wall, I was just telling them about the dolphins that are often sighted in the area and there appeared a mother and calf leaping in and out of the water they put on a lovely display for almost half an hour, loads of people started cramming onto the harbour to watch but we had front row seats.
I didn't get any photos as my battery went flat on my camera.
Saturday evening we went down to the village pub for a delicious meal.
I have Martin at home this week which is great, later in the week I am heading up to Leicester to spend a couple of days with my youngest daughter and grandchildren we are going to the International Quilt Festival in Birmingham, its a big annual event I have been attending for about 10 years now, really looking forward to it.
It will be my first trip away since closing the shop last November. I am calling in to a fellow blogger on the way and looking forward to meeting up.
Martin is off on a walking trip tomorrow up the Brecon Beacons and taking Sol with him.
Daffodil is due tomorrow, I do hope she has her Cria before I go away.
The veg garden is still doing well, I took a big basket of courgettes to the local pub yesterday for them to use rather than the going to waste. I have pulled out four of the plants to give other things some breathing space, Cucumbers are coming thick and fast now.
I have spent most of today down in my cabin sewing a gift for my granddaughters birthday this week-end. You will have to pop on to my craft blog to see.
That's all my news for now. :-)


  1. You are a real inspiration Dawn! I'm always amazed at everything you manage to squeeze in!!

  2. Sounds like a perfect weekend :) and it's making me want fish and chips now haha :D xx <3

  3. Sounds wonderful!!! I hope that you have a great time away and that all goes well for Daffodil! xx

  4. Wherabouts in Leicestershire will you be? I live in Ratby, would be great to meet you!


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