Sunday 30 August 2015

Fun Day

Today has been spent having fun with grand kids and Sol 
 Grandson has has a great time learning to use grandads tools
 He has spent the week end sawing drilling and hammering
 making boxes
 this one is my alpaca harnesses
 Sol has enjoyed having new playmates
 today we took him out for a new coat
 a hi-vis of his own so he can be seen in the dark

 we went down to New Quay this afternoon Sol loves the sea
 the kids were hunting for shells
 Granddaughter practised some ballet moves
 and so did grandad
 grandson was busy snapping photos of his sister
 as she did the splits on the sea wall
 Martin and Sol were playing by the waters edge
 It was lovely to see Sol go into the sea
 He found his sea legs in no time and was happy swimming out retrieving  plastic spade
 after fish and chips it was time for selfies
as they watched the sun go down on Cardigan Bay


  1. All our best fun is with our grand sons, glad to see you are enjoying the weekend.

    1. We have had a great week-end the weather has been kind to us :-)

  2. Looks great, that's what memories are made of x

    1. Lots of memories I hope more to come :-)

  3. What a terrific day. Love the sea pictures.

    1. We are luck to be only half and hour from sea :-)

  4. Looks like a great weekend. I bet they go back and tell their friends what fun they've had, it's nice to let kids do things for a change rather than watch like they have to more and more in schools.

    1. Its all skills for the future I hope :-)

  5. What a great time you have all had together!! I think that Granddad might need to practice his ballet moves a bit more, but your grandson doesn't need to practice his woodworking, he is doing really well isn't he!!! xx

    1. First attempt for both them grandson did a lot better than grandad :-)

  6. Such good fun to be had on the beach, Dawn. We have a dog, Jake, who is a gorgeous Border Collie and he loves swimming so we can't WAIT to be so close to the beach at Aber very soon!

    1. Sol gets all excited in the car as soon as he sees the sea :-)

  7. Simple days are just the best. Our eldest grandson loves hammering an sawing.

    1. He was given the freedom of the tools and the wood pile :-)

  8. I thought Grandad's ballet steps were more along the lines of Usain Bolt actually.

  9. That looks like a lovely day out for everyone :)

  10. What a wonderful day, can't beat playing about by the sea :)

  11. Glad that your grandchildren had such a lovely weekend. Tell Sol he looks Very Smart in his new high-viz vest. . .

    1. I will be able to spot him down the forest now he will be no good at hide and seek anymore :-)

  12. Memories are made of this , springs to mind. Lovely times to recall. What a great idea re Sol's coat....Dextie has injured my knee several times over the years as he comes running for me in the dark and I don,t see him , in the day I can side swipe him. So might have to have a shopping trip!!! Xx


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