Monday 24 August 2015


Today we went to visit the goats and choose the two we wanted
They are Guernsey Boer cross
The two we have gone for are sisters they are the two on the left with there mum just to the right of them.
We have not brought them home yet, we are waiting until they come into season and have been serviced by the Billy

Now we need to get a shelter made for them so we will be all ready for there arrival.

Its been a lovely sunny day today, most of which I have spent out n the garden and in the Poly Tunnel, Martin has been logging, we also paced out and marked where the next lot of fencing is going, yesterday I picked up another 6 chickens this time Sussex Buffs, they are POL,
 everyone has been enjoying sunshine on the ranch today I hope you have all had some sunshine too.
Off to have dinner now Martin is just back from walking Sol.


  1. Another busy day on the smallholding! xx

  2. They look a lovely pair. How long is gestation?

    1. 5 months enough time to learn what i need to know :-)

  3. Ah, that's alright then - proper goats!!

    1. They had to be proper they have to earn there keep no free loaders :-)

  4. Very lovely pair there. Wish we were closer together I would give you this goat I got to keep too. She is a sweetheart but just ain't gonna make it on a sheep farm.

    1. I dont think it would pay to send it by air freight, perhaps your goat needs a goat companion :-)

  5. Oh Goats! And now your life will get ever more interesting! We used to keep goats but they drove Lester up the pole with their shennagans, so they ended up in the freezer. Goats meat is delish, so is their milk. I used to make goat cheese, which is very easy to do. Can't make a variety of cheeses with goat's milk as you can with cow's milk, but you can play around with adding various seasonings which makes interesting cheese. Although Lester says 'never again' with keeping goats, I would not mind keeping just two if we couldn't keep the cows.
    Looking forward to seeing how you get on with your new, you are getting to be a 'proper' smallholding!

    1. Our smallholding is taking shape and there is plans afoot for next year, it was a choice of small cow or goats so we decided to start with goats :-)

  6. Another busy day for you, I'm glad the weather was nice. Goats sound fun x

    1. It makes a big difference having a day of sunshine :-)

  7. They're lovely! Hope to see many more goat blog posts, I love goats! :-)

    1. Its a new adventure for us I expect tears tantrums and plenty of laughs and thats just me :-)

  8. My friend had a heard of goats they are very amusing to watch at play.

    1. I want to build them an assault course :-)

  9. It looks like your animal family is steadily growing. I look forward to seeing posts of the 'kids' when they arrive. Jx

    1. they should be in season in the next week or so then kids should arrive 5 months later :-)

  10. I've always had a thing about goats, I'd love to keep them, along with chickens. Will you be making cheese with their milk? Sol must have thought all his birthdays had come at once with that massive bone you showed in your last post. Hope you're feeling better now.

  11. I take it that you have chosen the mix so that your goats are dual purpose? (Kid meat is delicious) I don't think GGs are huge givers of milk, but enough for your needs I am sure.
    Like Sue I like to see proper goats. I have never understood why smallholders buy pygmies.
    I'd love to keep goats again.

    1. Yes dual purpose I dont want to be drowning in milk just some will suit my needs I want to try milking along side the kid method :-)

  12. How exciting, bet you can't wait for them to arrive xx


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