Saturday 8 August 2015


 Making the most of the lovely sunshine today it was time to get the potatoes up that were grown under the membrane, the foliage was dying back and I needed to get them up and into the sunshine to dry off before they went into storage
 We had a great harvest 108lbs in total more than enough to keep us in potatoes, after sending the day in the sunshine I got them into paper sacks the smaller potatoes will be used first and they are in a bucket in the porch, some of the potatoes I will keep for seed potatoes to be planted next spring, the only ones I intend to buy in are the heritage blue ones I had at Kev's for lunch the other day.
 I also got up the last of the onions some really nice looking ones in this haul
Also the last of the shallots are up 
Onions shallots garlic and potatoes have done really well and we have more than enough to see us through to the next harvest.
I picked another basket of peas and french beans several courgettes the glut is easing but now we have a glut of cucumbers picked six today and Martin picked 4 while I was away, looks like there will be another dozen ready next week.
We set up a new run for the ducks today, they run they had was far to big and becoming overgrown, it was an enclosure made from 50m of electric netting, we have swapped it with a 25m of electric netting, the larger enclosure we are setting up for the Turkeys as they are starting to outgrow there space. Alpacas have all been moving to fresh paddocks as well. Young chickens have been moved into the main chicken house tonight, hopefully after a night together they should get on OK tomorrow, the young chickens run has been inside the big run so its not like they don't know each other, I prefer to introduce new chickens at night they seem to settle better after spending a night together in the dark. 
That's everything up to date again Martin is off walking Sol, I am going to hit the shower before they get back and settle down with a book.


  1. What a crop! It must be lovely to know you have grown enough to keep you going, if I had to rely on what I grow we would starve within days.

    1. Having the space makes the difference, before we only managed enough for a few months, even growing a small amount is better than growing none :-)

  2. That's an impressive haul - how will you store them so that they last all winter? Judy.

    1. I am storing them in the cool of the barn in paper sacks, I will check them on a regular basis and take out any that are starting to spoil, I might also bottle some :-)

  3. Flipping heck! That's a lot of tatties!hopefully we'll have something like that next year :) All that hard work paid off well :D xx

    1. I hadnt planned such a large amount they have just been exceptional this year

  4. Wow! Great harvest! It's been a few years since we had a good potato crop and I really miss having those around. Potatoes and onions are two essentials for the food storage, I think.

    1. Its been a great year for onions and garlic brilliant harvest along with potatoes

  5. Wow all your work is paying off, I love your outlook on life, hard work, respect the soil and your animals, so glad to read your blog you are a real country woman. Life should be the simple things, and a simpler life.

  6. I've still got the main beds of potatoes to dig up but I doubt I'll beat that huge haul. It seems to have worked well growing them under membrane then. I was thinking about doing that myself next year, I'm even more tempted to now after seeing all your lovely spuds.

    We just need it to stop raining, I can't dry anything I bring in at the moment, the Aga has been used for drying every harvest up to now, thank goodness we've got it.

    1. I have done under membrane before it keeps the weeds out, and no earthing up, we are lucky we have a three sided barn were everything gets put to dry out and the air can still breeze through.


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