Wednesday 12 August 2015

New Shoes .......

At last I gave in and bought some new Cloggies, 
 Well truth be told I bought 2 pairs £12.99 off Amazon, I wanted the Town and Country Cloggies because that is what my old ones are, I hate the crock ones with holes in.
 My old ones I have had about 4 years, there is no sole left on they are so thin I can feel every stone as I walk, they have so many splits in them my feet are always getting wet
so out with the old and now I have dry comfy feet. I also bought a new pair of wellies as again my old ones have so many splits.
So now I have my feet sorted.
Yesterday I made a lovely Coleslaw to go with my dinner 
 And topped it with toasted cashew nuts, I love nuts.
Today it was pancakes for lunch
 Served with Maple Syrup, Jersey Cream Raspberries and Blueberries, while I was eating lunch I had a brain wave.
 I have been cleaning out the greenhouse as there isn't much in there apart from slugs the ones I saw I chopped in half, my brain wave was the salt that was used for pickling the other day I got back out of the bin and made up a strong salt water solution and watered the gravel in the greenhouse, all the little slugs I missed suddenly appeared and died. So in future when I have salt left over from preserving I will keep it for slug war.
 The greenhouse is all nice and clean and tidy again ready for its next job, the citrus trees have been outside enjoying a breath of fresh air
 They have had a good feed and a bit of tidy up, I noticed some of the have a bit of scale insects on them, they have all been sprayed and will stay outside for the next few days, we have thunderstorms predicted over the next few days a good downpour will give them all a good wash down. Then they can come back in the greenhouse.
 The small poly tunnel has had a tidy up as well and again the gravel watered with salt water, I have moved the pots of blueberries in there away from the birds and they have had a good feed of seaweed extract.
The first of the cinder paths between the raised beds is now complete time to start another one.
Baby Alpaca Imogen has had a sore eye my neighbour senior C came over this morning to help me clean it up, I also gave all the Alpacas a spray of fly repellent they are being pestered a bit.
All the washing is up to date and has been line dried 
I have just done all the bins got in a load of logs.
I have also finished needle felting my elephant picture.
Sent off a parcel, all chores up to date ready for the rain coming tomorrow
I hope you all keep safe in the storms coming there is suppose to be some nasty ones, I am off to walk the dog then shower and put my feet up :-)


  1. Blimey Dawn you've done an awful lot since you moved in, it must feel like you've been there for years! I've got the crocs with the holes in I wasn't aware you could get something similar without xx

    1. I tried the ones with holes but no good for me my feet just ended up soaked :-)

  2. Goodness me, that is quite a list of achievements! You certainly deserved some new clogs, those old ones have seen a lot of action haven't they! I hope that the new ones do just as well for you. xx

    1. I kept the old ones going as long as possible but nothing lasts for ever unfortunatly :-)

  3. I am going to look for those shoes, I could not understand the ones with holes in. I went on a slug killing rampage earlier I moved some pots and the landscape fabric they were standing on YUK a whole nursery of little slugs and a few big ones, my trust scissors were wielded and than a good spray of salt water. I had to get ris of them as that is where the first raised bed is.

    1. hey used to do the shoes in garden centers but havent seen them for years Amazon had a good choice and excellent price :-)

  4. I need to sit down! Reading your blog makes me feel positively lazy. LOL. You're such a busy person.

    1. There always seems so much to do its never ending :-)

  5. Hope your storms are not too bad, we have just had rain overnight but storms are due later. PS love the pink shoes

  6. You've been busy! Hopefully the bad weather is not going to be as bad as expected. Today has started mild and dull in Worcester. Jx

    1. I hopes it not but its best to prepare for the worse :-)

  7. I wear Cloggies around the garden. I hate Crocs with a passion!


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