Thursday 18 August 2016

Harvest and Gluts

Sometimes you just end up with lots coming ready at once,
Cucumbers, I picked 8 this morning

Flash enjoys a chunk of cucumber for breakfast amongst the strawberry plants, but can only eat so much cucumber.
over on Two Men and a Little Farm they had a lovely easy recipe yesterday for refrigerator pickle, I am going to give this a try to use some of the cucumber.
As well as the cucumbers todays harvest
was lots of chilies they will be dried, courgettes and peppers they will be used at the week end in something, french beans and the last 6 corn on the cobs they are now in the freezer.
Last night it was a lovely harvest of mushrooms
I had them fried in butter to have with my dinner.
Tomatoes a good 3lb I am going to make into a tomato base for future meals.
there is also regular pickings of lettuce, spring onions and salady bits,  daily eggs and milk from the goats.

How are you using your gluts up ?

Friday October 22nd 1982
Checked ewes, all OK.
Rained nearly all day, 
did more clearing up rubbish around the farm. 
Molly and Douglas arrived about 10 o'clock
Put sheep licks (2) in the field.




  1. Hi Dawn how to be in the envious position to have gluts. next year - have the garden to dig over yet to remove all the wild bits and to break down the soil a bit. Very heavy clay here. I want to get going early - as I have to have a foot operation so want to get the digging done before then. Hope you are getting back to normal after your recent trip. Take care. Pattypanx

  2. Your produce looks amazing-x-

  3. No gluts here but I do remember my mum making a similar pickle with sliced white onions mixed with the cucumber. I might have a dabble this weekend x

  4. Lovely harvest for you, it's pleasing to read what you use yours for. We have hardly anything other than tomatoes, but I have plans to get the most out of our little space next year.

  5. Hubby made a rich tomato sauce and we have also made 5 jars of tomato chilli jam. I have another 2 huge bowls to use up. So more sauce & jam.

  6. We no longer have a vegetable garden as we grassed it over this year, but we have a marvellous market. I always find it so easy to use up any tomatoes left over because they cook down so quickly in the microwave and with a bit of added sugar and black pepper make a delicious sauce which I can use in various ways.

  7. I have a glut of weeds, does that count? What a fabulous harvest I'm very jealous

  8. The tomatoes are coming fast and furious... I can't keep up. I hate to see what we have to harvest when we get home from our trip.

    God bless.

  9. Between the birds and the bunnies no glut of anything.


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