Sunday 14 August 2016

Back Home And Blighted

Had a wonderful trip away, I got home late Friday afternoon, we had friends coming for the week end and the were due any moment, I dashed around to check on poly tunnels and garden, Martin was holding the fort while I was away, unfortunately I came home to a disaster in the main poly tunnel, 
The potatoes and tomatoes in the tunnel had been struck with Blight a fungal disease that strikes in warm damp weather, There were 6 tomato plants in there, they have now along with the foliage from the potatoes been removed and burned, 
The potatoes outside also had the same treatment as there was evidence of Blight on those, the other poly tunnel were the main tomatoes are seem fine, time will tell if it spreads there, there is no treatment so we just have to get on with it.
We had a fab week end with our friends who went home today, unfortunately I have also been blighted with a virus, light headed, aching joints, tired jut feeling ughhhhhhhhhh, I have slept most of the day away today, I can only assume being in an environment packed with people and air conditioning is were I have picked it up, never mind I will bounce back, I have uploaded a load of photos over on my craft blog HERE 
Its lovely to be home, no doubt in the next day or so normality will return.


  1. Ah, not blight! I seemed to have missed it the last few years, no doubt it'll strike here soon!

  2. Oh no! I'm so sorry to,read about your tomatoes and potatoes Dawn...and you unwell too :( hope you're on the mend soon xx

  3. Oh dear, sorry about the blight, and you not feeling well. I thought we had blight on our courgettes and peas, but it's powdery mildew. Husband's got rid of them anyway, in case it spread to the rest of the garden (all the plants affected were in the same raised bed). Hope you're feeling better by tomorrow.

  4. So sorry to read about the loss of your tomatoes and potatoes. How disheartening for you.
    Hope you shift your virus soon.
    I'm off to look at your photos on your craft blog-x-

  5. Get well soon. I hope the virus doesn't spread. It horrid when things go wrong to no fault of your own. Its times like this that I think about the pioneers who totally relied on their crops to survive. Get well soon.

  6. So sorry that you and the spuds got blight. Hope you are feeling better soon.

  7. Sorry about the blight - very annoying. Sorry too about your bug - hope it is short lived and you are soon raring to go again and catching up on jobs.

  8. Oh no, sorry about your blight and being poorly, such bad luck. Hope you feel better soon.

  9. Sorry about the blight, that is something we have been lucky enough to miss over the years. Hopefully you caught it before it spread further.

    God bless.

  10. Blight is always a shit. Lucky you grow oca too, beauty of it being unrelated to potatoes is that it's blight proof

  11. Oh no, blight sucks!!! Glad to read further on that you're feeling bettr :)


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