Saturday 16 April 2016

The Poly Tunnel In April

April is a busy month in the poly tunnel,
Lots of planting out to be done.
Lots of watering and weeding.
 The peas in the guttering have all come up,
they will be planted out next week.
 Chickpeas are putting on plenty of growth,
last year these were a bit of an experiment and sown late in the season, this year I was on the ball and got them started in plenty of time.

 A new bed of carrots have been sown, our ground is very stony
so I have done a bed specifically for carrots.
 Peppers and chilies that were planted the other week have settled in and are starting to come on great. These were started back in January, they need a long growing season to get a decent crop.
 I didn't want to plant tomatoes in this poly tunnel this year,
but these ones were once again out growing there pots,
there was two of them so I found a space and got them in.
The other tomatoes will hang on until they go into the new poly tunnel
 Spinach is still doing well, this a perpetual spinach that just keeps growing.
 Heritage lettuce ready for picking, also beetroot Swiss chard and leeks I will be using some of the leeks this week end,
A row of radish and another row of beetroot have also been sown in the space between.
 A nice mix of young heritage lettuce have bee planted here, 
any we don't use will go to the animals.
 I have started putting down the gravel that was in the greenhouse,
to the left is the melon bed forgot to photograph that
 The early potatoes from our own harvested potatoes are looking really good.
 Pink Fir potatoes pushing up needing earthing up
 The peas are starting to climb
 Bulb fennel really pleased with the germination, now need thinning out, and there is another row of lettuce beside them.
 The citrus trees that are being house here temporarily
seem to be enjoying the poly tunnel environment, they are all bursting into flower 
 And fruits are swelling.
 Geranium cuttings I took last year, spring onions, broccoli and sprouts,
 The carnations I took cuttings from have all rooted, 
more tomatoes
 Beans sweetcorn courgettes squashes
 The two grape vines are leafing up
 Its all becoming rather full
 This bed outside the tunnel door has been sown with parsnips
 and on the other side is were the courgettes will go.
 I am getting these beds filled this were the squashes will go.
While I was busy in the poly tunnel today, 
Martin was servicing the quad bike, changing what ever the things are you change in a service he has also fitted a new winch and painted up the bars, all ready to go again.

Sol had his tooth out yesterday it was another difficult night with him as the anaesthetic was wearing off, I managed about three hours sleep, feeling pretty shattered today and have one of those thick heads from lack of sleep, Sol is fine now and back to his usual self minus the tooth ache, he even managed to chew on a carrot.
The lambs are all doing great now without a bottle although still noisy if they see me. Bad broody hen deserted her nest and the eggs went cold and chicks died, two of them were just pipping as well, she must have left the nest in the evening.
I gave her a telling off she is still looking after the adopted chick,
I will set more eggs next week in the incubator and if we get another broody she wont be sitting on eggs.

That's it all up to date again, we are now going to have dinner and settle down for a quiet evening and early bed I think for us.



  1. Your tunnel is doing awfully well. Much more advanced than ours especially the potatoes. Ours are not showing yet but like you spinach is doing well.

  2. Such busy times for you. Lambs chasing their mums relentlessly here and mums getting rather fed up to say the least! So pleased little man is getting over his tooth problems ...early nights sounds a great idea.xx. Lovely day here today but oh so blinking cold

  3. Heavens! You get so much achieved! I will revisit your blog when I have my polytunnels to research what to plant! Thank you for keeping me inspired! :)

  4. Glad to hear Sol is better, your plot is full so much promise to come. Martin is so very handy, doing so many different things.

  5. Looks fabulous. I wish I had a poly tunnel.

  6. All looks really fantastic, Dawn. I am so envious of your lemon tree; Jon really wants us to try and grow one and Think it would be amazing to make lemon curd from our own eggs AND lemons! The greenhouse is coming along really well, we have ordered the polythene and I will hopefully have 'moved in' next by weekend!Eeek!

  7. All looks really good Dawn, so much work but lots to show for it.

  8. Waw...nice to see you're taking things easy this weekend! Where ever do you get your energy from...wait...all that home grown...vitamin rich produce. We've succumbed to rotten colds just when needing to be at our fittest. Maybe cos we've been eating crap convenience mush. Back to the stove soon for me! x

  9. Wow how productive is that , Wish i had the space for a poly tunnel , I am planning t0 grow some potatoes in bags this year plus a few extra things xxx

  10. What a great post! I love the idea of the guttering for peas. I planted garden peas along the outside edge of our tunnel to climb on the framing, but something has eaten them. :( Looks like no peas for us this year.


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